Ahad, 24 Ogos 2008


Sebiji bom telah dilaporkan ditemui di bilkik gerakan Puteri UMNO di Kubang Semang.

Dengan bantuan pihak polis dan juga Unit Pemusnah Bom, maka bom tersebut telah berjaya dimusnahkan sekitar jam 0245 pagi.

Puteri UMNO ketika ini mendakwa, kesemua itu adalah kerja Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

Berita lanjut akan menyusul nanti.

10 ulasan:

  1. bro...x dak bom bro...aku dah siasat...depa tak bayaq sewa...tuan tanah halau...


  2. BIAR BETUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Macam mana bom boleh masuk kalau tak dibawa masuk oleh pakar bom sendiri?
    Dan kalau betul bom ni baru dah tentu meletup. Kecuali pakar saja yang boleh pastikan bom ni tak meletup, sampai pakarnya sendiri bawa keluar.
    Isnin nanti lagi besarlah kot yang dijumpai. Mungkin terjumpa M16 ker atau rocket launcher pulak.
    Yang menarik x ada sapa tuduh puak United Malay National Organisation ni yang bawak sendiri benda ni semua.

  3. polis dan askar je la ada bom. ini satu lagi drama C4 ke?

  4. Satu lagi episod cerekarama bangang puak UMNO ni..PR nak ada bom?Pelik!! Kalau tak polis atau askar sapa lagi..Wahai puteri UMNO olong bayar sewa kat tuan tanah tu..kemana dana yang berjuta-juta tu?dah abis bayar kat sial fool ke?

  5. To All Pakatan Rakyat and DSAI supporters,
    Besides SMS, pls try to practice the below as a token of contribution to the whole Nations!
    Cold call to any telephone no in Seberang Jaya, Penanti, Permatang Pasir. Explain to them the real situation if they have no access to the internet but only get the news thru MSM.
    These people also have the family member, relative and fren who are also the voters. Ask them to pass the message to others.
    We are running out of time now. Pls, do something for the benefit of the whole nations.

    People Power

  6. To All Pakatan Rakyat Supporters,

    The issue of Swear on Quran and personal attack on DSAI from ex-PKR members have strongly affect some of voters support on DSAI.

    The BN UMNO ministers keeps on emphasize DSAI not dare to swear on Quran to prove his innocent.
    And many Malay voters had been influence by this.

    So, if you have relative or friends who are the voter or your friend who have friend who are the voter, pls call them personally and try to explain to them based on below argument to those voters in Permatang Pauh. Ask them to convey the message to others.

    1. Whoever commit the crime and then swear on Quran or bible to prove innocent, this meant this person is innocent?
    In this case then just ask Bodohwi to destroy the Palace of Justice la!
    2. If DSAI swears on Quran to prove innocent, then who the nations should believe?

    Tell them the case is now in Court and a person is innocent until the guilty is being proven!
    Ask them to pay attention on the current economic situation of the country.
    If DSAI become the next PM, there will be massive developments in Permatang Pauh! Don't be fool by Arif Shah! And also don’t be fool by these UMNO ministers and BN!

    BN is so desperate now! They can do whatever dirty tricks regardless of the price!

    We PR and DSAI can't afford to lose in this by election!

    This is the time for Malays, Chineses, Indian and other races to stay united and show our support to DSAI by votes!

    Our aim is not only WIN, but a BIG WIN for DSAI!Every votes does count! Pls request them to come out to vote for DSAI. Just take leave regardless of whether paid or unpaid if the location is too far.

    People Power

  7. To All Pakatan Rakyat and DSAI supporters,
    Besides SMS, pls try to practice the below as a token of contribution to the whole Nations!
    Cold call to any telephone no in Seberang Jaya, Penanti, Permatang Pasir. Explain to the voters the real situation if they have no access to the internet but only get the news thru MSM.
    These people also have the family member, relative and fren who are also the voters. Ask them to pass the message to others.
    You may dial any of the tel no in Permatang Pauh from 04-3900000 to 04-3999999.
    We are running out of time now. Pls, do something for the benefit of the whole nations.

    People Power

  8. Dun trust these Puteri UMNO's sandiwara. Oh look at me, so week us womenfolk. I am a man and I champion women standing up for their rights.

    The ladies who cried wolf.

  9. ini mesti kes NAJIB kena BOOO masa nak melawat bilik gerakan PUTERI minggu lepas..geram punya pasal dia letak C4 kot kat situ..atau C4 tue nak digunakan untuk letupkan sesiapa kekekekkekekekek lawak lawak politik picisan di kampungku

  10. ni idea rosmah ni..nak biaq org ingat..bukan sirosmah kembang je pandai bom..dunia dah maju..zaman dah berubah..nak tunjuk la pembangkang pun pandai bom gak..hehehe..adooii..umno yang cetek
