Isnin pagi ini pasaran saham di bursa saham London, Paris, Frankfurt, Brussels – jatuh mendadak.
FTSE – Financial Times Stock Exchange London telah jatuh 5% atau 245 point.
Dow Jones – jatuh 214 point. Nasdaq – 36.50. Dax German jatuh 281.71 point. Nikkei Tokyo jatuh 465.05 point.Hang Seng jatuh 878.64 point atau 4.97%.
Harga bahan bakar petrolium jatuh 3 dolar. Kini satu tong minyak mentah berharga 91 dolar
Kaum pemodal kapitalis sedang menggelabah. Rakyat dunia wajib bersedia. Bila kaum kapitalis menghadapi masaalah mereka akan melakukan jenayah perang. Perang adalah sebahagian dari hukum ekonomi kapitalis.
Kapitalis akan melancarkan perang untuk memusnahkan apa yang telah wujud – bangunan, kilang, bandar dan kota, senjata dan warga negara. Apabila kemusnahan telah berlaku maka kaum pemodal kapitalis akan dapat membangun semula. Ini terjadi pada perang Dunia Pertama dan Ke Dua.
Eropah dan Jepun dibangunkan semula sesudah selesai permusnahan dalam Perang Dunia Ke Dua.
Di Greece dan German kerjaan telah berjanji akan membayar kembali jumlah wang disimpan dalam bank. Janji ini dibuat agar duit-duit dalam bank tidak dikeluarkan. Ini dilakukan kerana orang ramai telah mula mengeluarkan duit dari bank dan membeli emas sebagai benda yang tidak akan turun nilainya berbanding dengan kertas.
Inilah akibatnya terlalu bergantung kepada US Dollar dalam semua urusniaga. Bacalah article ini untuk dapat pandangan:
BalasPadamPrior to 1971 the dollars of the US were trusted all over the world. Each dollar was based on 1/35th ounce of gold, held in the US Treasury. The value of gold was fixed by law at 35 dollars = 1 ounce, so the value of each dollar was very stable. This made the dollar attractive as an international currency. But in 1971 this all changed.
The Nixon Legacy -- fiat money
The Vietnam War was a painful time for America. We're still paying for the sins of our past leaders -- quite literally. The war was so expensive (estimated at $500 Billion) that America didn't have sufficient dollars in print to pay the bills for the disaster (The gold reserve only had about 30 Billion). But Nixon had a plan. Why not just print more dollars? Never mind that there isn't enough gold on reserve to back each note. Just print as much as you need to pay the bills.
To do this he needed to change the law. So he did. The new system is called "fiat money" and is defined as follows: "Definition: Fiat money is money that is intrinsically useless; is used only as a medium of exchange." He ended the system of "promisary notes," ended the fixed value of gold and allowed the system of "supply and demand" to set the value of both gold and American currency. But wait! There's more!
Rest of the article at:
Harga minyak dunia dalam USD rendah kerana USD naik.
BalasPadamUSD naik disebabkan oleh pelabur amerika keluarkan pelaburannya dari asia.
akibatnya, saham jatuh, harga minyak jatuh.
jemput baca
wui, seronoknya aku. saham aku juta juta lingkop..kahkahkah. jom kita perang!!!! jari telunjuk dah gatal, lama tak menguit, takut kena tembak ka? kalau kita tak bunuh dia, dia yang bunuh kita, masa tu tak kenal sedara dah, kalau kenal jiran yang amno tu ken tembak dulu....mereka nila musuh kita yang sebenar.
BalasPadamBN pun macam tu juga. Kalau nak jatuh , ISAkan pembangkang. Kau pun akan kena juga Sham oi. kah kah kah
BalasPadamArticle berikut dipetik dari sini:
5. The war against Iraq:
Money is expressed in currencies. Each country has an official currency. In the US it is the dollar. The dollar is also used a lot outside the US. Since 1973 the quantity of dollars outside the US increases faster all the time. Half of its imports are paid with dollars, for which the US does not deliver anything in return. Those dollars stay abroad indefinitely. This way the US buys each minute for 1.25 million dollars of goods and services from other countries, for which the other countries don’t get anything in return. The amounts are simply added to the foreign debt. This debt is so high now, the US can not redeem it any more. So the US is bankrupt. One of the main reasons why the whole world still wants dollars, is because almost all gas and oil on the globe has to be paid in dollars. This way, the US has also the advantage that it can always dispose freely of these gas and oil reserves. For the US can always create as many dollars as it wants to pay for it. So, to maintain world's demand for dollars and to dispose freely of the gas and oil reserves, the US tries to make sure, that OPEC-countries keep selling their oil in dollars. However, Iraq, that disposes of the second largest oil reserves in the world, switched to the euro on 6 November 2000. [19] Although the US sought a way to re-establish its influence in Iraq for many years, the war became inevitable because of this switch to the euro. The dollar sank away and in July 2002 the situation got that serious, that the IMF warned that the dollar might collapse. [20] A few days later the plans for an attack were discussed at Downing Street. [21] One month later Cheney proclaimed it was sure now, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. [22] With this pretext the US invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003. The US switched back the oil trade into dollars on June 5, 2003. [23] So now, at least financially, the US disposes freely of the Iraqi oil reserves again. (And while from Bagdad journalists report about the war, from Basra the oil is exported in dollars.) Since spring 2003 Iran too switched to the euro and since 8 June 2006 Russia sells its gas and oil in roubles. (You can read more explanations and details in “Cost, abuse and danger of the dollar” [24] Note: behind the conflict of the US with Iran there is more than a currency-conflict. Behind the scenes it is also about the forming of a cartel on the world market of nuclear fuel. You can read more about this in “Raid on nuclear fuel market.” [25] )
6. Oppression of Third World countries
The advantage of free imports (1.25 million dollars per minute) only applies, when the dollars stay abroad permanently. If other countries would use them to buy goods and services from the US, then there is no advantage. But since 30 years the US imports more than it exports. As no other it masters the art of keeping the dollars abroad.
For instance, the World bank and the IMF supply loans in dollars to Third World countries since the 1960’s. The policy is to supply as many loans as possible, so these countries will never be able to pay them back. [26] This way they are eternally stuck with loans and growing interest charges. So, the so-called "help" to developing countries is nothing else than oppression. And the trumpeted debt relief by industrialised countries hardly presented 1 percent. [27]
what should we do? any altervative selain perang? teach us ...
BalasPadamBursa Malaysia 900 mata?
Utusan Malayau 50sen,50sen,50sen.......gantung aje!
Nanyang,ada suara suruh MCA jual pegangan.
Madey dimana kau?
KWSP,PETRONAS,TABUNG HAJI,AMANAH PENCEN,POS,TENAGA,TELEKOM...kirim salam kat kau.Pintu-pintu telah dibuka,bukan pintu depan tapi pintu belakang.Lagi satu mereka pesan bawak lori kasim baba,jangan bawak guni takut tak muat.
Orang melayu jaga-jaga,samseng kg dusun nak datang!
UMNO,bilakah engkau akan pergi dari tanah airku ini?
Berapa banyak darah lagi yang ingin engkau teguk?
Berapa ramai lagi anak watan yang ingin engkau didik supaya durhaka pada sang pencipta?
Pergilah dengan cara terhormat.
masa sesuai untuk socialist economic approach?
BalasPadamdulu cerdik pandai cadang tukar pegangan USD kepada ERU tak mahu, bermacam alasan.......
BalasPadamSekarang sapa susah mereka dan keluarga mereka yang susah.
Aku tak susah sebab tak bawa lari duit simpan kat oversea
Free RPK Now...
BalasPadamLets sign the petition...
Teruskan berpuasa..
BalasPadamUlasan Tuan amat bermakna dan perlu menjadi bahan bacaan kepada semua anak sekolah terutama menghadapi PMR dan SPM.
terima kasih kerana memberi free self explanatory lecture on The Capitalist Slaughter House.
Inilah bangsat yang menghancurkan tamadun dunia.
Bila dah papa nak mintak sedekah.
Mereka ni kalau bangkrap pun tak pernah naik bas dan merempat di tepi jalan. mereka tetap dengan curut Cuba dan berdangdut.
Yang susah anak2 nak ambil SPM dan PMR.
mereka inilah yang akan dipulas macam kerbau untuk membiayai gaya hidup lintah darat kapitalis sampai anak2 sekolah ini pencen.
sambil itu semua media kapitalis akan memukul canang betapa kemiskinan ini angkara golongan radikal dan teroris antarabangsa
Cuma mereka pintar tidak memasukkan dalam senarai mereka CIA dan MI5 serta Mossad yang merupakan bapak kepada semua pembunuhan dan keganasan didunia.
Terima kasih Tuan Hisham.
kita haruslah menggunakan dinar emas -pejuang PAS-