Rabu, 19 November 2008


KUALA LUMPUR: Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh hari ini menggesa Ketua Hakim Negara, Tan Sri Zaki Tun Azmi supaya meletak jawatan secara terhormat dalam masa tujuh hari berkuat kuasa hari ini.

Karpal yang juga ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor berkata, beliau membuat gesaan tersebut atas kapasiti Pengerusi Kaukus Integriti dan Kebebasan Kehakiman, berikutan kenyataan Zaki dalam satu persidangan integriti di Kuching pada 7 November lalu bahawa beliau pernah memberi rasuah

kah kah kah….. HAKIM NEGARA BESRI RASUAH ?.... kah kah kah …. kah kah kah

kah kah kah…. apa punya tuuuuurrrrrr…. punya hakim…..kah kah kah….

kah kah kah…. DULU BAKAR BAHAN BUKTI…. kah kah kah….sekarang rasuah…kah kah kah…

kah kah kah…. patutlaaa razak baginda lepas… kah kah kah… patutlah pendakwa tak minta merayu hukuman razak baginda…. kah kah kah…. abis hancus negara… kah kah kah

inilah CONTOH KETUANAN MELAYU…. kah kah kah

3 ulasan:

  1. kah..kah..kah..
    dia ingat dia gentleman lah kot?kita nak sapa tangkap dia bila dia mengaku pernah bagi rasuah?kita na suruh sapa kasi korek..korek..korek..

  2. Kalau begini susah la Malaysia. Ketua Hakim Negara sendiri mengaku terang-terangan dia bagi rasuah. Apa nak jadi? Sedangkan mereka-mereka ini la yang konon nya penegak keadilan dan undang-undang negara.

  3. MALAYSIA isn't seen in this article extract

    Extracted from The 2008 Corruption perceptions Index (www.transparency.org)

    The Transparency International CPI measures the perceived levels of public-sector corruption in a given country and is a composite index, drawing on different expert and business surveys. The 2008 CPI scores 180 countries (the same number as the 2007 CPI) on a scale from zero (highly corrupt) to ten (highly clean).

    Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden share the highest score at 9.3, followed immediately by Singapore at 9.2. Bringing up the rear is Somalia at 1.0, slightly trailing Iraq and Myanmar at 1.3 and Haiti at 1.4.

    While score changes in the Index are not rapid, statistically significant changes are evident in certain countries from the high to the low end of the CPI. Looking at source surveys included in both the 2007 and 2008 Index, significant declines can be seen in the scores of Bulgaria, Burundi, Maldives, Norway and the United Kingdom.

    Similarly, statistically significant improvements over the last year can be identified in Albania, Cyprus, Georgia, Mauritius, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, South Korea, Tonga and Turkey.

    The Transparency International CPI measures the perceived levels of public-sector corruption in a given country and is a composite index, drawing on different expert and business surveys. The 2008 CPI scores 180 countries (the same number as the 2007 CPI) on a scale from zero (highly corrupt) to ten (highly clean).

    Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden share the highest score at 9.3, followed immediately by Singapore at 9.2. Bringing up the rear is Somalia at 1.0, slightly trailing Iraq and Myanmar at 1.3 and Haiti at 1.4.

    While score changes in the Index are not rapid, statistically significant changes are evident in certain countries from the high to the low end of the CPI. Looking at source surveys included in both the 2007 and 2008 Index, significant declines can be seen in the scores of Bulgaria, Burundi, Maldives, Norway and the United Kingdom.

    Similarly, statistically significant improvements over the last year can be identified in Albania, Cyprus, Georgia, Mauritius, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, South Korea, Tonga and Turkey.

    ..and from the 2008 CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX list, Malaysia is at 47. Singapore is at no. 4. *sigh*
