Isnin, 3 Januari 2011




sebelum kau tidur malam ini
baca apa yang aku lampirkan disini
sebelum kau sibuk sibuk
naik kapal ke gaza
baca manifesto ini dulu

bila kau minum kopi panas itu
bila kau sedang makan roti canai
bila kau sedang menikmati dim sum
bila kau sedang makan roti bakar

kau baca sekali lagi apa yang aku
lampirkan disini

bila kau menghantar tex sms kepada kekasih
bila kau berfacebook dengan awek
bila kau befacebook dengan balak
baca sekali lagi apa yang aku lampirkan disini

anak anak muda
ini adalah suara teman mu
anak anak muda
ini janji masa depan kamu
anak anak muda
ini adalh beben kamu

anak anak muda
jika apa yang aku lampirkan disini
menggangu sarapan kamu
aku tidak meminta maaf
aku hanya seorang perawi
yang mengumpul segala hadis hadis songsang

Layla Anwar
An Arab Woman Blues , January 1, 2011

Seriously, what does Democracy mean ?

What does it REALLY mean ? Freedom of Speech and Majority Rule ?

Someone define that fucking word to me. Because after 7 years of liberation, I still don't get it.

What does democracy mean ?

The grocer next door is selling toilet paper called Freedom and Democracy. Bought a roll in hard currency....he said to me - only dollars will do.

I found the paper too hard on my ass...

Went back to him, complaining, said to him - this paper is too hard on my soft skin. He told me the price was worth paying...

He had memorized the Madeleine Albright democrat cunt a few years prior...who stated when over half a million soft skins of Iraqi babes went blank with death, that American democratic cunt said - she said - the price was worth it

What does your fucking word - your fucking democracy - mean ? apart from some sore ass caught in some freedom dungeon...apart from a mass grave for children.


"Fuck Hamas. Fuck Israel. Fuck Fatah. Fuck UN. Fuck UNWRA. Fuck USA! We, the youth in Gaza, are so fed up with Israel, Hamas, the occupation, the violations of human rights and the indifference of the international community!

"We want to scream and break this wall of silence, injustice and indifference like the Israeli F16s breaking the wall of sound; scream with all the power in our souls in order to release this immense frustration that consumes us because of this fucking situation we live in...

"We are sick of being caught in this political struggle; sick of coal-dark nights with airplanes circling above our homes; sick of innocent farmers getting shot in the buffer zone because they are taking care of their lands; sick of bearded guys walking around with their guns abusing their power, beating up or incarcerating young people demonstrating for what they believe in; sick of the wall of shame that separates us from the rest of our country and keeps us imprisoned in a stamp-sized piece of land; sick of being portrayed as terrorists, home-made fanatics with explosives in our pockets and evil in our eyes; sick of the indifference we meet from the international community, the so-called experts in expressing concerns and drafting resolutions but cowards in enforcing anything they agree on; we are sick and tired of living a shitty life, being kept in jail by Israel, beaten up by Hamas and completely ignored by the rest of the world.

"There is a revolution growing inside of us, an immense dissatisfaction and frustration that will destroy us unless we find a way of canalising this energy into something that can challenge the status quo and give us some kind of hope.

"We barely survived the Operation Cast Lead, where Israel very effectively bombed the shit out of us, destroying thousands of homes and even more lives and dreams. During the war we got the unmistakable feeling that Israel wanted to erase us from the face of the Earth. During the last years, Hamas has been doing all they can to control our thoughts, behaviour and aspirations. Here in Gaza we are scared of being incarcerated, interrogated, hit, tortured, bombed, killed. We cannot move as we want, say what we want, do what we want.

"ENOUGH! Enough pain, enough tears, enough suffering, enough control, limitations, unjust justifications, terror, torture, excuses, bombings, sleepless nights, dead civilians, black memories, bleak future, heart-aching present, disturbed politics, fanatic politicians, religious bullshit, enough incarceration! WE SAY STOP! This is not the future we want! We want to be free. We want to be able to live a normal life. We want peace. Is that too much to ask?"

6 ulasan:

  1. bro - 2001 gua form 5 beb.
    2011 gua dah bekerja dah kahkahkah!

  2. aku rse ni bukan anak mude yg tulis, lebih kpd anak celake.hamas pon nk difucknye.hanjeng btol.

  3. pompuan arab ni sebenarnya bukannya blues tapi rock. hujah tak senang hatinya boleh dijadikan terus lirik lagu rock sempena namanya Layla nyanyian eric clapton

  4. bro isham, 2001 masa tu aku belum kawin lagi, tgh rak dating ngan awek sebelum jd bini aku sekarang ni, hehe.

    apa pun tu semua typo je, don't worry. kalau kat malaysia ni, ada sorang mamat ni yang layak masuk rekod iaitu orang yg muka tak malu sekali atas muka bumi. orang tu tinggal di selangor. cuba teka?

  5. hamas? macam celaker jugak.. tu la pasal tulisan itu diperkenalkan...

    remaja palestine, tak kira perempuan bertudung atau tidak, semuanya sama2 berani mati.. berani letak kepala di hujung senapang tentera yahudi..
    (minah rempit palestine>>

    kita kat sini, sibuk islam-islam-islam.. berjuang-berjuang-berjuang.. tak tahukah kita yang kita hidup selesa di malaysia ini pun, banyaknya 90% mungkar dengan Allah? tapi berani jer komen2 eksyen pasal palestine.. blah la lu..chibai..
