Jumaat, 28 September 2012




bujet yang akan di umumkan hari ini
adalah satu lagi rekod penampilan malaysia
satu  lagi tangga kejayaan
satu lagi ketrampilan malaysia

bujet malaysia ini adalah ter rekod 
ter tinngi
ter hebat
ter panjang
ter besar
untuk asia tenggara

selama 15 tahun
selama lima belas tahun
for 15 years
for fifteen years
belanjawan malaysia defisit

ertinya malaysain berbelanja
lebih banyak dari pendapatan

kalau seorang ayah berbelanja 200 ringgitt  sebulan
wal hal gaji hanya 150 ringgit zsebulan
maka jawabnya si ayah  terpaksa berhutang

inlah yang berlaku kepada kerajaan malaysia
selama 15 tahun berturut-turut - non stop -
belanjawan negara terlebih dari pendapatan negara

kalau si ayah akan terpkasa meminjam dari along

maka kerajaan united malays national organisation ini
terpaksa meminjam 
tetapi dari siapa?

- jual bond
- pinjam dari?....
- pinjam dari bank asia
- pinjam dari bank dunia

tepok dada tanya selera
siapakah yang akan membuat
kekayaan dari hutang malaysia

.... i rest my case my lord....


7 ulasan:

  1. Apa susah bro, setakat nak cover hutang dorg bole bikin special draw hari2x. Sekali masuk dah berapa? Itu yg halal. Yg pasaran gelab punya camana?

    Tu la budgek hari nie aku harap dorg boleh bagi lesen tikam nombor (sebut judi harunsani marah) kat melayu la pulak. Aku akan mohon presiden perkasa agar lesen tikam nombor diberikan kepada melayu pulak. Baru la ketuanan melayu berjaya. Baru la jakim boleh bagi cop halal kat kedai 4d, kuda, 5d,6d.
    Baru la melayu boleh duduk sama tinggi, berak sama keras dgn cukong.
    Best tak idea aku.

    Nota - gaji semalam dpt hari nie tinggal duit rokok dgn duit nombor je. Rega rokok jgn la naik. Tapi kalu naik jugak bersyukur la rega rokok kat landon dgn kat rembau masih murah lagi.

  2. Nak dapat income lebih buat OT la TT hehe.. :D wat Part time etc..

    Tu ada peribahasa Melayu biar papa asal bergaya

  3. Wei TT...apa nak susah...duit dalam Akaun Encik Solah (AES) kan ada?.2 hali pasang suda 3 libu saman maa....miniaga manyak untong looo...luit hali-hali masuk maa....

  4. TT, tulisan ini di cilok dari pengunjung dari satu blog lain!Sila baca....

    I am not a politican but i have access to IMDB operation thro my close friend who work with 1MDB. Let consider this facts.
    1MDB started with 5 billion fund guarantee by goverment.
    How do they spend this 5 billion.
    1.7 billion used to buy three public co owned by Taib Family.They said this co bought by Petro Saudi a company incoprated in Sycheell IIsland with US 2 dollar paid up.The 1MDB give a loan to this co payble in ten years.Vary suspect transaction.1MDB is not a bank.Only J loo can answer this question.
    The balance of the money 2 billion the bought derivitive product structure by Deuth Bank and chartered Bank.They bet against Japanese Yen.Theynlost all the money. against J Loo involved.
    The 5 billion finished.
    The 1MDB decided to invest in energy sector.They asked another 2 billion from Najib.Najib asked KWAP to give the money to 1MDB.how do they used the money.
    They bought two coal company in Kalimantan and Mongolia.The Mongolia coal mine will only be in production in 2015.The Indonesian coal is already in production but they found found out later that the coal is not suitable for Tenaga Power plan due to low calories and high moisture.Gone another 2 billion.

    1MDB become more aggresive.They decided to buy Ananda Power Plant for 8.5 billion.They paid full price anfdthe aquisation was fully funded by Malayan Banking.The price they paid to Ananda more that the market value.I heard there was a kick back paid by Ananda Trust Co Harapan Nusantara for 650 million.Raja Arshad and Tun Haniff as trustee for Harapan Nusantara afraid to sigh the cheque so they asked advice from Tun Mahathir.Tun said paid.?

    1MDB bought second power plant from Genting for 2.3 billion.This is an old power plant almost 20 years they have only anothet 4 year left the agreement to sell power to Tenaga.This transcaction become a laughing stock amont the power plant executive.Accoding to my Friend from Jimmah Power plant ,if 1 MDB built the new power plant ,700MGT,the cost is less than 2.3 billion.1MDB can easily get the supply contract from Tenaga.They just le t the Genting Agreement expire.Genting declare by selling this power plant to 1MDB thay make 1.9 billion profit.wow?I think somebody from make alot of kickback money from Genting?

    Bro ,Laisle Lopez wrote a detail story on 1MDB and try to publish it in Singapore Strait Time.But somebody from top stop it.E & Y was the first auditor of 1MDB,The want to qualify the accout.Board of 1 MDB disagree.They change to Delloite and now KPMG.

    Why 1MDB refuse to cooperate with Parliment selectet commitee.They said they are private company but all their loan and bond is guaantee by govertment.Vary strange bro.Berani kerana benar.

    Kesimpulan. Kita mesti humban mat monggol dan hantar dia ke Monggolia buat selama-lamanya.Kah..Kah..Kah.

  5. Tanpa Nama 1:25 PTG...
    betul gak buahfikir bernas dari kepalahotak bergeliga kau tu!
    jom kita cadang kat najib dan kabinet serta ajk tertinggi UMNgOk pembela melayu dan pendokong islam supaya duduk semeja dgn harussana harussini dan 40 ulamak muda, supaya memerah hotak memasing utk menjenama dan menjalansana satu skim mega tahap courts mammoth utk org2 melayu dan islam, satu skim yg kalau toto vincent tan tengok, dia akan tepuk dahi dan mengucap: looks like mine, sounds like mine, but donno if it's mine!
    skim tikam ekor versi melayu islam ni mesti difikir sehabis2nya supaya diberi label yg betul2 boleh meletakkan skim ni di luar dari status haram, jangan jadi macam pak samad dgn hishamuddin tt buat, bagi label "bersih" tapi masih difatwa haram dek ustad hishamuddin lidahkontot, tapi mesti serupa macam label "politik wang" yg ustad chua syok sek tak teragak2 nak bagi fatwa sebagai ok...

    elizabethwong Comparison #Budget2013 and #PRBudget2013= Expenditure RM248b (PR RM234b) Opex RM201b (PR RM185b) Devexp RM47b (PR RM49b): via @imokman)
    53 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

    -average joe-
    klakka-la.blogspot: TANYALAH USTAZ, EH HAKIM

  6. wah lau eh, RM 2 billion untuk spekulasi Japanese Yen - masih boleh kalah hilang semua sen2 nye. Punya lah bodoh punya kera-jaan. Budak Joo Theik Low di naikan atas kerusi 1MDB supaya beli projek yang usang dan projek mkaburkan duit memamng senang. Kucing kurap ku di belakang jalan pun boleh tau songlap tulang ikan. Bodoh punya kera-jaan

  7. pinjam dari red shield
