Jumaat, 28 Februari 2014


'Demi rakyat, tiada masa lagi untuk hobi'Farah Noor Samat | 6:40PM Feb 27
"Saya sampai tiada masa untuk bermain badminton sekarang," kata Rosmah Mansor.

"Semua telah diambil (rakyat) dari saya termasuk masa saya, hobi saya.

"Saya sampai tiada masa untuk bermain badminton sekarang.

Saya hanya luangkan masa untuk rakyat," katanya

membalon nasi lemak



woit....YA AMPOON.... kah kah kah..

kah kah kah..BERITA BAHAYA... kah kah kah..

kah kah kah..DULU MAIN BADMINTON...kah kah kah

kah kah kah..GEMOK MACAM BADAK... kah kah...

kah kah kah..SEKARANG BERHENTI MAIN..kah kah..

kah kah kah..DUA KALI BADAK... kah kah ha

kah kah kah.. BANYAK PINTU KENA GANTI..kah kah kah

kah kah..PUTRAJAYA BUAT PINTU BARU.. kah kah 

kah kah kah..ROSMAH NAK MASUK... kah kah 

obama enggan jemput rosmah
ke rumah puteh
kerana dari sewgi sejarah
pintu rumah  tak pernah bertukar
samenjak disesuaikan untuk ibraham lincoln


10 ulasan:

  1. Heyyyy tuka tiub serabut.. Mana boleh kita nilai manusia sebagai objek. Bulat, leper, tebal itu untuk pekakas shj.

    Ada paham!

  2. kalau betui la rakyat ambil dari dia, brp byk agaknya? sbb aku mcm ni juga. cuba bandingkan dgn apa yg diambil dr rakyat. dpt beg birkin aneka warna, dpt belian, dpt tengok sunrise dan sunset kat ostolia dan l angeles, dpt gi dubai, sambut new yr kat obersea, naik pvt jet, rumah pree, api air rakyat byr. utg besar berniaga jd pemimpin ni...

  3. cakcap pandang2 bros..Sampai atiy lu oul ngutok mate air hakku...

  4. You are what you eat..........kah......kah.....kah

  5. Haha.. muka saja boleh cucuk botox.. nak kasi slim tak sempat sbb nak inject placenta, stem cell dan glutathione dah x makan saman lagi.. dah kene darah tinggi dan triglyceride tinggi..lemak berlempeng2 kat jantung..

    Lu TT..lu dah tau bende ni..lopeh ni Rosmah mmg xder peluang nak kurus lagi melainkan kene kanser saja..itulah satu2nya peluang nak kurus.. boleh tibai anak badak ni kow2 la..

    Tak guna wang berjuta kalo nak kuruskan badan secara kosmetik x akan dibenarkan doktor...klo blom ada masalah kolesterol dan triglyceride serta darah tinggi..mmg senang2 nak inject sana sini utk kurus..mati gemok dan mati tegak la suami najib ni..

  6. si rosmah ni memang muka bertampal kulit babi

  7. Kenapa PRK Balingian tak membazirkan duit kita?

  8. To anon, go & chiak sai la! Don't know ask Hisham Rais

    Come to think of it.....Malaysia is really a shit country! Sukarno got pretty Dewi. Marcos got his lovely Imelda. All of them cantik cantik one. Why malaysia got to stuck with that fat cibai fucking lady........To that anon, boh song hah.......fuck you!

    Now, enjoy this song


    "The wands of smoke are rising
    From the walls of the Bastille
    And through the streets of Paris
    Runs a sense of the unreal

    The Kings have all departed
    There servants are nowhere
    We burned out their mansions
    In the name of Robespierre

    And still we wait
    To see the day begin
    Our time is wasting in the wind
    Wondering why
    Wondering why, it echoes
    Through the lonely palace of Versailles

    Inside the midnight councils
    The lamps are burning low
    On you sit and talk all through the night
    But there’s just no place to go

    And Bonaparte is coming
    With his army from the south
    Marat your days are numbered
    And we live hand to mouth

    While we wait
    To see the day begin
    Our time is wasting in the wind
    Wondering why
    Wondering why, it echoes
    Through the lonely palace of Versailles

    The ghost of revolution
    Still prowls the Paris streets
    Down all the restless centuries
    It wonders incomplete

    It speaks inside the cheap red wine
    Of cafe summer nights
    Its red and amber voices
    Call the cars at traffic lights

    Why do you wait
    To see the day begin
    Your time is wasting in the wind
    Wondering why
    Wondering why, it echoes
    Through the lonely palace of Versailles

    Wondering why, it echoes
    Through the lonely palace of Versailles”

  9. Tak tanya pun!
