Sabtu, 8 Mac 2014



Pesawat MAS bawa 239 penumpang ke Beijing dilapor hilang

Pesawat MAS bawa 239 penumpang ke Beijing dilapor hilangOperasi menyelamat dilancarkan sebentar tadi selepas sebuah pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) yang membawa 227 penumpang menuju ke Beijing dilaporkan


11 ulasan:

  1. Nanning Airport stated the aircraft did not arrive at the airport.

    According to The Aviation Herald's radar data the aircraft was last regularly seen at 17:22Z (01:22L) about half way between Kuala Lumpur and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) at FL350 over the Gulf of Thailand about 260nm northnortheast of Kuala Lumpur 40 minutes into the flight, followed by anomalies in the radar data of the aircraft over the next minute (the anomalies may be related to the aircraft but could also be caused by the aircraft leaving the range of the receiver).

    Aviation sources in China report that radar data suggest a steep and sudden descent of the aircraft, during which the track of the aircraft changed from 024 degrees to 333 degrees. The aircraft was estimated to contact Ho Chi Minh Control Center (Vietnam) at 01:20L, but contact was never established.

  2. selamat hidup ke selamat mati?? ayat tak habis bro.

  3. Teknik mengalih perhatian....


    tanya pun salah..tak tanya pun salah..mungkin mengalihkan tumpuan..

  5. Kejadian mungkin juga bermotif untuk mengalih fokus rakyat drp isu panas, dipertaruhkanlah nasib orang lain. Janji isu panas terus sejuk begitu shj. Orang yg tak ada prinsip tu dia peduli apa. Kebetulan? Semuanya kebetulan? Biar betul!

  6. Mana boleh diharapkan "semoga semua selama" jika pesawat mengalami kecelakaan. Pertanyaan penting harus iala" kenapa sistem kecemasan atau keselamatan pesawat itu alih-alih tidak berfungsi?" Alih-alih kononnya sistem pesawat itu jatuh dyfungsi, mungkin kerja penggasan kut? Soalan logik ini mesti dijawap.

  7. Dear sir,

    Here is a following link for your consideration:

    posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 05:42 AM
    just yesterday, A Malaysian court has sentenced the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to five years in jail on sodomy charges, overturning an earlier acquittal and ending his hopes of contesting a local election this month.

    so theres some speculate that this was inside job to diverse media and people in malaysia from making big protest against the court"

    When the heart is dark, anything is possible. Please let your contacts to check out. Also, chedet has feigned sympathy by linking to the ATM search and rescue.

    Don't rule it out even though it is so diabolical.


  8. dgr pakar ditv kata sbb terjadi kemalangan hingga tak sempat aktifkan isyarat kecemasan:

    1. human error. sangat unlikely. pilot berpengalaman 18k jam penerbangan.

    2. mechanical failure. tak mungkin sbb tiada isyarat kecemasan dilaporkan.

    3. PALING LIKELY terjadi sudden decompression pada aras 35000 kaki menyebabkan penumpang mati serta merta. Aviation sources in China report that radar data suggest a steep and sudden descent of the aircraft, during which the track of the aircraft changed from 024 degrees to 333 degrees. The aircraft was estimated to contact Ho Chi Minh Control Center (Vietnam) at 01:20L, but contact was never established.

  9. dgr pakar ditv kata sbb terjadi kemalangan hingga tak sempat aktifkan isyarat kecemasan:

    1. human error. sangat unlikely. pilot berpengalaman 18k jam penerbangan.

    2. mechanical failure. tak mungkin sbb tiada isyarat kecemasan dilaporkan.

    3. PALING LIKELY terjadi sudden decompression pada aras 35000 kaki menyebabkan penumpang mati serta merta. Aviation sources in China report that radar data suggest a steep and sudden descent of the aircraft, during which the track of the aircraft changed from 024 degrees to 333 degrees. The aircraft was estimated to contact Ho Chi Minh Control Center (Vietnam) at 01:20L, but contact was never established.

  10. bro... terus terang cakap hati aku berat mengatakan ini konspirasi...sama mcm konspirasi teluk tonkin...dibuat-buat untuk mengendurkan semangat reformasi rakyat malaysia...

  11. bro...mungkin kita berkongsi pendapat yg sama...x sabar nk tunggu episod seterusnya....kah kah kah... tp aku rasa diorg masih hidup...
