Selasa, 6 Mei 2014


pada hemat hishamuddin rais
obama datang ke malaysia
dengan tiga tujuan

1- memaksa ttpa di tandatangi
2- mencari potensi pengkalan tentera
3- memperkukuh najib yang lembik

hanya tukar tiub
menulis jelas
berkata benar

US oblivion: Obama's weird tour of Asia

Andre Vltchek is a novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries.

At the end of April, President Barack Obama swept through Asia like a storm, leaving behind him all sorts of political debris, as well as confusion, and often even deep embarrassment.
But Obama’s visit was disastrous on many other fronts, too. There were trade deals proposed that never fully materialized, including those between the United States and Japan. There were bilateral trade agreements signed between the US and Malaysia, but the 12-country Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which commits countries to lower import tariffs and therefore horrifies local producers, never really materialized.......
Legendary Malaysian political activist Hishamuddin Rais (he identifies himself as a ‘non-government individual’) wrote for this report:
“Obama is trying to recreate the atmosphere of the Cold War in Asia in particular and globally...Obama’s trip to Malaysia in particular is aimed at the Malaysian leadership to open up and allow access to the Malaysian market. At the same time America is keen to have a military arrangement with Malaysia, i.e. the possibility of having a base. This is a move partly to control the Southeast Asian market and also to contain what Americans term as the danger of China. Obama is trying to create a wedge between ASEAN nations and China. In Malaysia in particular, with the weak government of Najib Razak, Obama will force Najib to sign the TPPA trade agreement. It is a fact that TPPA will be destructive to the domestic market.”
There was plenty of cliché propaganda talk from US officials about ‘defending democracy,' about freedom and trade, and about all those ‘terrible countries’ that the ‘benevolent and wise West’ has to ‘deal with.'

baca sepenuhnya disini:


5 ulasan:

  1. RT ni pun macham utusan. propaganda kerajaan russia.

  2. tuan tt
    obama mai sini/asia tiada niat lain melainkan nak jual senjata,lalu dicipta perang supaya permintaan kpd senjata ada.tempat lain dah berperang tinggal lagi zon asia yang belum.tengok nanti tak lama lagi akan berlaku perang dan obama akan kata yeh yeh yeh boleh buka pintu gudang senjata.senjata adalah bahan dagang yang teruntung sekali dan amerika monopoli menatang ni..... itu saja politik obama.

  3. Hoi..TT...lembab la hang ni. Obama datang sebab nak mengurat rosmah...kahkahkahkahhhhhh!

  4. bro TT bukan sahaja cool dimalaysia, malah juga cool di luar negara. salute!
