Jumaat, 23 Januari 2015


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sirul anak2
Facebook postings indicate that the fugitive's family is with him in Australia. More ››

PETALING JAYA: It appears that fugitive Sirul Azhar Umar’s family is with him in Australia.
This is indicated in Facebook postings by a user who calls himself Shuk Sz and claims to be Sirul’s 19-year-old son.
Sirul, along with fellow policeman Azilah Hadri, was sentenced to death last week for the 2006 murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu. He wasn’t in court for the sentencing, having left for Australia last October.
In one of his postings, Shuk Sz says Sirul was called to record a statement today, but does not say which authority has summoned him. He says if the statement is publicised, Malaysia’s reputation will suffer.
In an earlier posting, he says, “In all honesty, I am a son of Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar. To those who don’t know about his case, don’t just say what you like. Watch your mouth. If I talk to the press, Malaysia will fall. The PM will also fall.”
Replying to a user who insinuates that he is guilty of slander, Shuk Sz says, “I’m in Australia. I can say what I like. I can even curse the PM.”


jeng jeng jeng
kah kah kah
jeng jeng jeng
kah kah kah

bagi mampoos sekali
kah kah kah



4 ulasan:

  1. Selagi di australia boleh ngentot ngentot free lah....

  2. Ceritalah, cakap buat apa. Semua orang boleh cakap.

  3. Gertak jer tu.. melayu..bukannya berani pun.. tambah2 nama pun rakyat malaysia.. lanchow la brani bantah dan cakap lebey2..

    Kepalabutoh la semua ni.. ingat yg menteri UMNO tu senang ka nak jatuh kerana seorang yg dianiayai? Kepalabutuh la Allah nak tolong.. lamgsung gua tak percaya Allah nak tolong apa2.. tolong lempaq masuk api neraka..lagi ada la.. manusia baik atau jahat, tak ada sesiapa pun boleh mengubah apa2 yg Allah ada.. time nak minta ehsan..nama Allah semakin manja diguna2.. time kuat sikik.. nama Allah dah jadi sampah belaka.. inilah perangai melayu..

  4. Azilah apa kabar pulak.
