Selasa, 28 April 2015


kita akan temui manusia baik
kita akan temui mereka
dimana mana dalam dunia ini
diserata pelusuk dunia
kita akan berjumpa mereka

manusia baik lebih ramai
dari manusia jahat dan zalim


Migrant boat crisis: the story of the Greek hero on the beach

Deligiorgis brought 20 of the 93 migrants to shore singlehandedly. “At first I wore my shoes but soon had to take them off,” he said, speaking by telephone from Rhodes. “The water was full of oil from the boat and was very bitter and the rocks were slippery and very sharp. I cut myself quite badly on my hands and feet, but all I could think of was saving those poor people.”
In the chaos of the rescue, the 34-year-old cannot remember if he saved three or four men, or three or four children, or five or six women: “What I do remember was seeing a man who was around 40 die. He was flailing about, he couldn’t breathe, he was choking, and though I tried was impossible to reach. Anyone who could was hanging on to the wreckage.”

baca disini:


3 ulasan:

  1. Deligiorgis;

    Kaulah wira!

  2. dan orang2 sebegini tak pakai serban, tak pakai jubah, tak ada janggut

  3. What a story and a good one.
    There are still many good soul out there.
    Thanks for sharing.

    CS Lee
