Khamis, 16 April 2015


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US-Saudi Armed Interventionism in Yemen

By Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu

The US strategic plan for the Middle East in general, and in the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf countries in particular, is to exploit the volatile situation of the region, by initiating regime changes, by manufacturing dissent and by financing proxy wars so that the US can, in effect, hold each nation-state by their necks and thus realize its imperialistic intentions in these countries so that US can make these countries subservient to its hegemonic dream of controlling the geopolitics in this region (for example; military and economic control of the sea lanes in the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea using military and tactical cooperation with US’ allied regimes in these regions) and controlling economic resources: fossil fuel being the foremost resource in these countries

Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu is Associate Professor-VI of Philosophy and Asian Studies at the University of the Philippines (UP), Cebu City. He was former Academic Coordinator of the Political Science Program at UP Cebu from 2011-2014. His research interests include Islamic Studies particularly Sunni jurisprudence, Islamic feminist discourses, Islamic philosophy, the writings of Al-Ghazali on tolerance and pluralism, Turkish Sufism and Public Theology. He can be freely contacted at his email address:


5 ulasan:

  1. Amerika tak salah

    Mangsa nya yang bahalol yang salah besar

    Rata rata mereks agsma Islam

    Tapi ajaran Nabi SAW tak ikut

    Bahalol saja

    Dah tahu Amerika tu lahanat kenapa buat baik pun.

    Awak tak ada duit tapi harap duit lahanat tuk ksya ber gaya ; tapi awak orang Islam

    Rezeki bukan Lahanat yang bagi pun tapi awak ber TOHAN manusia

    Bahalol kan

    Sama cerita nya PAS dan UMNO

    Ulsmak PAS tu Bahalol Tegar

  2. mi no spik ingkliss.. arghh!!

  3. Tak lama lagi ramai orang Amerika akan masuk Islam sebab tertarik dgn kebodohan Arab. Orang Amerika boleh tunai haji tanpa kuota.

  4. yg bangang, ramai bangang2 yg sokong perang proxy yg ditaja Uncle SAMiri
