Selasa, 21 Julai 2015




Ankel Sham, Nik beduh kata dia kurang bercakap tapi banyak menulis. Aku ingat tulis buku tapi tulis kat pesbuk...kah kah kah..dia nak jadi pemimpin yang kurang bercakap paling berkesan pernah ada. Aku rasa kalau dia berjaya...abih mampuih la masa depan anak muda malaysia...kadang aku pelik jugak...

Awat yang boddo sangat, arwah bapaknya dulu sikit punya A ka...turun kat anak lain macam pulak lajaknya..dulu dok gaduh geng syiah dalam parti dah buat clearance pon dok serabut kepala lagi. 9999 jenis gila. on TIKUS BESAR MULA LARI
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on 7/21/15




6 ulasan:

  1. Ustazi Ustazi !

    Ini yg disabda oleh Muhammad saw " Keldai Memikul Kitab "

    Ustazi - politik bukan kerjaya kamu ! Dulu ustazi di ISA sbb terlibat dlm Al Qaidah , la na pakat semua ustazi dlm Pas gi join ISIS. Bunuh kononnya syiah dpt masuk syurga tanpa hisap.

    Oooi hisap jgn tak hisap - Gwa isap curut !

  2. ISIS terrorists strap bombs onto the hens and send them into the camp sites, Al-Alam News Network reports.

    Depraved ISIS terrorists fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq have started using chickens as mobile improvised explosive devices.

    Members of the ISIS terror group operating in and around the city of Fallujah are said to be strapping explosive belts to chickens, which are then encouraged to wander into camps.

    Once the chickens are successfully within striking distance without having aroused suspicion, the ISIS extremists apparently use remote controls to set off the devices, killing all those close by.

  3. Sebenarnya perumpamaan 'Keldai memikul kitab' adalah dalam Quran.
    Sayang... dengan sekolah agama, mengaji Quran, Ramai yang tak sedar langsung akan ayat ini.
    Tapi biasa la, kita di Msia cuma di ajar hapal-hapal aje macam burung kakak tua (parrot).
    Nak paham makna, kena berguru la... lagi sampul...dan sampul...

    [62:5] The example of those who were given the Torah then failed to uphold it is like the donkey carrying great works of literature. Miserable indeed is the example of people who rejected GOD's revelations. GOD does not guide the wicked people.

    Baca dan pahami Quran FREE disini

    Ohh ya...Perumpamaan 'Burung kakak tua'
    [2:171] The example of such disbelievers is that of parrots who repeat what they hear of sounds and calls, without understanding. Deaf, dumb, and blind; they cannot understand.

  4. Nik Beduh ni tak kuek cakap ... tapi kuek tokontut.

  5. Dio ni tak kuek berckp tp kuek molancap..tu yg kuruih koring bdn eh...!!!!
