Ahad, 13 September 2015


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Jeremy Corbyn hails huge mandate as he sets out leftwing agenda

Hard-left parties across Europe sent their congratulations to Corbyn on his victory. “Syriza salutes today’s historic election of Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of Britain’s Labour party,” the Greek leftwing party said.
Inigo Errejon, political secretary of Podemos and second-in-command after Pablo Iglesias in the Spanish party, tweeted: “The wave of change has arrived to the north of Europe. It is time to build a European Union for its people. With @jeremycorbyn, Podemos!”


4 ulasan:

  1. TT ada berangan nak jd mcm tu agaknya.keihlasan entah ada pd dana.kekuatan mungkin pd pemikiran sekular yg berkecamuk.ketaatan hanya Tuhan yg tahu.TT jgn marah.aku sj cakap.no hard feeling ok.

    1. Jiwa melayu kecanduan agama.. X pernah berpikir nak ubah cara berpikir. Habis manusia jadi benci dgn lebai2 dan ulamak2.

      Ingat jadi Islam lebih mendekatkan orang lain dgn tuhan. Ini makin menjauhkan lagi, ada la. Bangsat punya muslim. Pergi mereput sensorang kat kaabah sana.

  2. You know who Michael Foot is.......Cibai Hisham Rais.....What happened after that? Thatcher/Major ruled for another 17 years......Fuck you la, Hisham. Because of Corbyn, now the Tory will rule UK for another 20 years

    Nah......the spitting image song


    Better focus on what happen with stupid PKR leaders especially Anwar Ibrahim

  3. Heheheehee...kalau kek dunia ke tiga..poster tu sudah buang tipi..tangan belakang kena cabile tight..tepi bibir..tepi mata..mesti ada darah...baju koyak sebelah tak pun senget kena scrum kolar leher tu sesecerum sesecerumnya oleh pak polisi...balakang baju..mcm saiz ada..saiz 8..81/2...9..9 1/2....hehehehhehe...aku bangga jadi warga dunia ke 3..warga takder kelas...minah salleh tengok pun idak walaupun ko pakai seluar levis 501 dan baju t levis 505...kakakkaka..low klas sampai mati....makan pisang sambil kepanasan....kakkakakakapui...kapui
