Selasa, 22 September 2015





dapatkan buku 

ini sekarang

Dear Readers, 
Have you read the explosive new ebook "Murdered In Malaysia: The Altantuya Story" yet? The mystery surrounding the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Sharriibuu has long troubled Malaysia and E.S Shankar's new book sheds light on many unanswered questions. 

Purchase the 900 page ebook NOW via the Sarawak Report online shop and encourage your friends and family to support our project and the brave author of this book. 

This meticulously researched, honest and informative book is for you and for all those Malaysians who want to know the full truth about the disgraceful and barbaric murder of a Mongolian girl, who had the misfortune to associate herself with persons which led ultimately to her murder and the disintegration of her dead body, and perhaps her unborn child, by explosion. 

E.S Shankar has produced a tour de force in terms of research and the comprehensive scope of his enquiries, leaving no stone unturned in his quest to bring to light facts that were disgracefully suppressed and covered up by one of the most shocking examples of interference in the judiciary that Malaysia has experienced in its history. The impact on the independence of Malaysia's law enforcement agencies has been far-reaching and malign. 

As E.S Shankar's book makes clear, the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu was not an unpremeditated killing, carried out by "rogue cops". It was planned with care and needed the intervention of very powerful people to make it happen - and then when it was discovered, to cover up the truth. And all that simply to save the face and reputation of a very powerful Malaysian personality. 

Malaysia owes a debt to this brave author who has dared to lay out the facts that others have attempted to hide. His book may read like a thriller, but it is the chilling truth and everyone should take time to understand its consequences. 

- Sarawak Report Editor Clare Rewcastle Brown


6 ulasan:

  1. Hehehehheheheheeheh....heheeehehehehe...bro..janet jakson dah masuk islam...ko bila lagi...?.....ehheheehehehehehehegeg...makcik felda cinnut spik inglish..mcm mana to buy n rid...hehehehehhehehehe.....

  2. Apa cerita rempit kat kesas? Melayu kan?

  3. Beli BOOK dapat free Coupon melancong ke Putrajaya ke lawat Mat Bahalol and The Badak ?????

    Bila Mat Bahalol pergi jumpa bebudak FBI macam James Bond dalam filem Mission Impossible ??????

    Budak Bahalol Ikan Bakar tak ikut sekali ke boleh Bakar Aligator Gar fish....

    Kepala Otak !!!!!!!

  4. Sosok yang terlibat dgn penerbitan buku ini patut disaman .. ia menghina ketuanan melayu .. malahan tuan pada segala ketuanan melayu dah pon bersumpah laknat .. nak apa lagi .. buku ini mencabar maruah melayu ..

    Kita mintak Ali Rustam buat satu lagi demonstrasi dengan bertemakan jangan lembut dgn awek Mongolia .. pastikan lanchow melayu tegak keras bila bertemu awek Mongolia .. bayangkan 200,000 peserta terpancut dalam satu masa .. subur rumpun dataran merdeka.

  5. Kes Mat Bahalol masok CNN NEWS 740pg ini

    Berita Baik!!!!!!!!

    Orang akan Chabut..... Chabut.... Chabut.....

    Mana ada orang nak sekongkol dengan Mat Bahalol

    Pencuri mana nak mengaku Pencuri...

    Standard kan ?????

    CNN NEWS bukan Bodoh lah OK!!!!!!

  6. Bro, mesia peepel espeserli umno supporter kaynod spit engrish. Dey ken spit BI oni. Dey ken oni undersetand utusan, BH, metro, kosmo, rtm, tv123. If u rite book in engrish how ? Some more aah.. even if u rite in BM veli few peepel in 1mesia reed book one. Oni chance for them to reed if book in BM. Even if dey reed, dey boro one.
