Selasa, 22 September 2015





najib belum sampai lagi
najib masih dalam perjalanan
ke new york

media amerika sudah mula heboh
ini media besar
ini media berepengaruh
bukan bacaria
bukan metro
ini new york times
ini washington post

dua akhbar yang melakar
dasar dan politik rumah puteh

manakala wall street journal
akhbar kaum pemodal antarabangsa

Malaysia’s Leader, Najib Razak, Faces U.S. Corruption Inquiry

The embattled prime minister of Malaysia, facing mounting political turmoil and a parade of inquiries at home and abroad into a sovereign wealth fund that he oversees, is now coming under the scrutiny of American investigators as well.
A federal grand jury is examining allegations of corruption involving the prime minister, Najib Razak, and people close to him, according to two people with knowledge of the investigation.

The inquiry, being run by a unit of the Justice Department that investigates international corruption, is focused on properties in the United States that were purchased in recent years by shell companies that belong to the prime minister’s stepson as well as other real estate connected to a close family friend, said the people knowledgeable about the case, who asked for anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it. Investigators are also looking at a $681 million payment made to what is believed to be Mr. Najib’s personal bank account.
Pressure in Malaysia on Mr. Najib intensified on Monday as two separate courts dealt him legal setbacks. And the head of the country’s central bank, which is investigating transactions involving the sovereign wealth fund, said it had submitted its findings to the Malaysian attorney general.
“Right now, we know that the public wants answers to these questions, and they deserve to get the answers,” said the head banker, Zeti Akhtar Aziz, according to the Malaysian Insider news site.

baca disini:


4 ulasan:

  1. Kantoi sudah.....

    The End , kata Shakespeare.

    Alhamdulilah , kata Rakyat Islam

    Al Fathihah , kata Umat Di Aniaya

    Syabas TUN MAHATHIR !!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. butuh najib mampos..........
    kah kah kah

  3. USA ugut untuk tandatangan TPPA itu. Kalau isu rasuah sebelum ini bukan dia kisah sangat pun.
