Khamis, 17 September 2015



ahmad maslan masih lagi
warga johor
beliau tidak dihalau
dari negeri johor
sila hentikan
fitnah dan tohmah

Johor sultan tells racists, haters to get out of his state 

As the nation celebrates Malaysia Day and thousands of government supporters take to the streets of capital city Kuala Lumpur, the Sultan of Johor in no uncertain terms ordered racists and haters to get out of his state. 

In a posting on his Facebook page shortly after midnight today, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar said Johor has no room for hatred and racism -

 See more at:

4 ulasan:

  1. JOHOR ANTI RACIST...kakakaka

    Fuyoh....baik punya speech...
    Kita harus sambut baik perkara ni...kakaka
    Anti Racist....kakakaka, ter -baik.
    Karangan yang baik....siapa speech writernya...kakakak, martin Luther King?
    Kita tak harus dengar terlalu syiok.

    Tapi....tapi....ampun tunku seribu satu ampun kakakaka
    Yang Puteh dia kata Hitam....Yang Hitam dia kata Putih..kakaka
    Tengok lah perlembagaaan sendiri .....

    Ubah lah perlembagaan negeri , lepas tu bolih cakap lah...
    Kalalu MB mesti orang melayu , kan ni pro-racist?

  2. Actually the Sultan meant for racist DAP. Sultan of Johor really hates both father and son. Remember when LGE made nasty remark on the Sultan. Seem that the opposition thought that the message goes to UMNO.

    Sultan is not foolish.

  3. Itu kan budak Pontian

    Apa lah Johor tanpa Pontian pon

    Tanpa Ahmad Maslan apa lah Pontian pon

    Itu Ahmad Maslan lah

    Apa lah Himpunan Baju Merah tanpa Ahmad Maslan pon

    Ahmad Maslan tu Hero UMNO lah bakal PM jangan main main tau

  4. Cadangan kepada sultan johor: sila edit posting fb anda, tambah lagi satu larangan selain "hatred" dan "racism", iaitu "stupidity". Kbye.
