Rabu, 9 Disember 2015


bala tentera turki
masuk ke iraq
atas alasan menentang ISIS
suasana semakin tegang

ini satu pencerobohan

iraq telah minta bantuan rusia

turki pula ialah anggota NATO
nato dikepalai oleh AMERIKA

Turkish troops go into Iraq to train forces fighting Isis

Several hundred Turkish soldiers have been deployed to provide training for Iraqi troops in an area near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, which is under Islamic State (Isis) control, according to Turkish security sources.

Iraq issues 


Turkish forces

 have 48 

hours to leave 

the country, 

says Baghdad

Baghdad: Iraq on Monday gave Turkey 48 hours to withdraw forces it said entered the country illegally or face "all available options", including recourse to the UN Security Council. Baghdad, which is struggling to assert its sovereignty while receiving foreign assistance against the Islamic State jihadist group, said Turkish forces with tanks and artillery entered Iraq without its permission

Turkey Refuses to Withdraw Its Troops From Northern Iraq Despite Ultimatum: In the face of fierce protests from the Iraqi government and the international community, Turkey is refusing to withdraw troops from northern Iraq.

Iraq May Seek "Direct Military Intervention From Russia" To Expel Turkish Troops:Turkey just can’t seem to help itself when it comes to escalations in the Mid-East.

2 ulasan:


    Baru lah tak de Mat Bahalol kasi masalah

    Kapal dah layar ke Sulawesi sama BON BON

  2. Rasa-rasa kalau betul ada perang Turki dengan Russia, NATO mau tolong Turki tak?

    NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization = US, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy + many other useful idiots + Turkey.

    US mau, Europe mau perang dengan Russia di tanah Europe lagi kah? WW1+WW2 tak cukup kah? Paling senang ialah let Turkey hang out to dry sajalah...

    Saje mau tanya...
