Rabu, 13 Januari 2016







Iran Seizes US Sailors Amid Claims of Spying

New York Times - ‎48 minutes ago‎
WASHINGTON — Two United States Navy patrol boats and their crews were seized by theIranian authorities in the Persian Gulf on Tuesday during what a Tehran news agency alleged was “snooping.” ...

10 US sailors in Iranian custody

CNN - ‎4 hours ago‎
Farsi Island is an area where the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps -- which the semi-official Fars News agency said detained the service members -- tends to operate, and they are much more aggressive than the Iranian Navy. The Fars News agency also ...

Iran holds 10 US sailors but pledges to release them soon, Pentagon says

Washington Post - ‎1 hour ago‎
Two small U.S. Navy vessels are in Iranian custody, but their crews will be released promptly, the Pentagon said Tuesday. However, Iran's Fars news agency said the 10 sailors, nine men and one woman, were arrested and were suspected of “snooping.”.


2 ulasan:

  1. itu hari amerika tuduh Iran jalankan ujian peluru berpandu dekat kapal pengangkut kapalterbang. Iran nafikan sbb memang Iran tak ada latihan disitu masa itu.

    baru2 amerika sebarkan rakaman infrared (tanpa tarikh tanpa lokasi) kononnya diambil dr heli peninjau yg menunjukkan bbrp kapalperang dan salah satu melepaskan peluru berpandu.

    tp yg bangang sekali ialah kapal pengangkut pesawat theodore Roosevelt tu rupa2nya adalah sebuah kapal tangki minyak mentah ataupun kapal pengangkut galian yg sarat dgn kargo.

    penipu besar sptmn dunia ditipu dgn 9/11, teluk Tonkin, liberty, WMD saddam, Lockerbie, hebdo, dll...

    tp sekurang2nya penipu2 ini tidak pakai serbang berjanggut dan beri kuliah agama...

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