Sabtu, 6 Februari 2016






Julian Assange: 'sweet' victory soured by British and Swedish rejection

A UN panel may have found that Julian Assange is subject to “arbitrary detention” and called for him to be allowed to walk free, but the WikiLeaks founder remains exactly where he has been for the past 44 months – inside Ecuador’s London embassy and locked in a three-nation war of words.
Britain and Sweden immediately rejected the UN report, which declared that Assange had been “arbitrarily detained” since his arrest in 2010 and during his lengthy stay in the embassy, where he sought asylum in June 2012. The British foreign secretary, Philip Hammond, described the findings as “ridiculous” and the Australian as a “fugitive from justice”.




2 ulasan:

  1. Sham, klu corbyn jadi pm uk, sanders jadi presiden usa, kau musti gumbira sakan, who knows...dunia ni mungkin aman, tiada pembekal senapang, dunia samarata. Aku titipkan artikel pasal sanders yg kau lebih maklum....
    How has a self-confessed socialist gathered so much support in a country where socialism is a dirty word, he was listing those things he would like to do as president, from free tuition for college students to free, guaranteed healthcare for all.The Washington Post dismissed him as "an ex-hippie, septuagenarian socialist from the liberal reaches of Vermont who rails, in his thick Brooklyn accent, rumpled suit and frizzy pile of white hair, against the 'billionaire class.” Mayor Sanders, who had honeymooned with his first wife in the Soviet Union, travelled to Nicaragua to protest against American backing of the Contra rebels. He was greeted by the leader of the socialist Sandanista government, Daniel Ortega. It wasn't long before his supporters in Vermont were being called “Sanderistas". As mayor he also went to Cuba to visit President Fidel Castro.

  2. Assange ini Bukan Melayu

    Kalau Meleyu

    Tak ada cerita dah

    Pau Pau Pau saja

    Mat Kampau kan.....
