Ahad, 7 Februari 2016



Malaysian PM Najib Razak to face US corruption inquiry

In more trouble for Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, the US Justice department has started an investigation into shell companies allegedly linked to his stepson, Riza Aziz, that acquired US properties. The Justice Department's Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative's focus is on the state-run 1 Malaysia Development Berhard (1MDB) fund, whose advisory board is chaired by Razak.

The investigators will try to find out if these properties in question were bought with £450m ($700m) allegedly transferred to the Malaysian PM's personal bank account from 1MDB, according to a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report. The properties could be seized if a case could be made that they were purchased with proceeds earned from corrupt practices. The investigation will also take into account other real estate purchases in the US connected to Razak's close family friend, Malaysian billionaire Low Taek Jho. 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is also learnt to be involved with the investigation, given the global impact the case has had in the last couple of months.



raya cina pun

FBI kerja

kah kah kah

x yamseng ke

kah kah kah



7 ulasan:

  1. Ini berat mak badak sudah...

  2. EF bi AI tu bukan ketuanya pendi pandir kah kah kah kah

  3. TPPA dah sign.. dijamin selamat punyer.

    Sape berani bet? Kahkahkah.. inilah gunanya sign TPPA secepat mungkin sbg talian hayat dari penguasa yg ada veto.

    Ingat Najib bodoh sangat ka..

    Ko jgn terkezut..
    Kalo Rosmah call Michele Obomba nanti..
    Kes tiba2 selesai..

  5. Macam mana agak nya FBI OMPUTEH cakap tanya , HOW CAN ONE MAT BAHALOL BECOME LEADER OF COUNTRY.....

    Sebut MAT BAHALOL macam mana gaya agak nya

    FBI bukan bodoh macam SOTONG

    SOTONG pun dah MAGIK hilang

    Kepala Otak !!!!!!

  6. cantiuiikkk nk harap ulamak pas berani menegur... membela kezaliman adalah

    terpksa harap org kapir menegak kebenaran

    malulah aku nk pakai serban

  7. Saudara TT, pertanyaan. Dengan masuknya FBI dalam gelanggang dan ura-ura polis Hong Kong juga mula menyiasat; tidakkah ini bermakna Najib sudah jadi "pawn" dalam pertembungan dua kuasa dunia iaitu AS dan China. Tidakkah ini juga bermakna gara-gara 1MDB, laluan terpenting Laut China Selatan dan Selat Melaka juga telah terancam kedaulatannya?
