Khamis, 4 Februari 2016




bank ditutup
kerja hilang
saham kerajaan dijual
semua ini adalah 
tanda tanda ledakan
akan sampai 

Lloyds Banking Group to cut 1,755 jobs and close 29 branches

Lloyds Banking Group is cutting 1,755 jobs and closing 29 branches as part of a plan by its chief executive, António Horta-Osório, to cut costs as he prepares the bank for privatisation.

Staff at Britain’s biggest retail bank were told about the job losses, which cover large parts of the group, on Wednesday, but union officials said they hoped that the reductions could be achieved by voluntary means.

The bank said it would add 170 new jobs in retail and commercial banking and in its legal team, taking the net figure for job losses to about 1,585.


2 ulasan:

  1. Omputeh pandai

    Risau kan bebudak dokong BEWAK HIDUP tu

    Nanti tanah Sawah bela BEWAK pulak

    Kedah banyak orang miskin

    Melayu BODOH pulak tu

  2. economy iceberg..panic market utk capai jual saham 51% kpd china. yg dijual adalah port di port dickson,n9.tok pa sain tppa-US, tp najib jual iskandar johor kpd china, shell plak pd jual saham kpd china..agak2nya medan pertremnpuran tu kat selat melaka ke mcm cerita laluan sutera air..kita nak pro us atau pro china.dua2 mkn babi..atau kena minta pandangan dari hadi sotong..atau tungu awang adek jd gabenor bnm yg baru..mungkin kelantan akan jd mekah bukan lg serambi dekat la sket nak g haji atau umrah..bisnes masyukk..
