Rabu, 18 Mei 2016







sebelum krisis ekonomi 
asia berlaku pada tahun 1998
amerika latin telah lama tenat
argentina jatuh muflis
brazil sakit
ini mempengaruhi ekonomi eropah

pada  tahun 1998 krisis ini
berjangkit dan melanda thailand
dan akhirnya melanda seluruh
asia tenggara termasuk malaysia

kini ianya sedang berulang

Watch Venezuela, Because Food Shortages, Looting And Economic Collapse Are Coming To America Too

The full-blown economic collapse that is happening in Venezuela right now is a preview of what Americans will be experiencing in the not too distant future.  Just a few years ago, most Venezuelans could never have imagined that food shortages would become so severe that people would literally hunt dogs and cats for food.

 But as you will see below, this is now taking place.  Sadly, this is what the endgame of socialism looks like.  When an all-powerful government is elevated far above all other institutions in society and radical leftists are given the keys to the kingdom, this is the result.

 Food shortages, looting and rampant violent crime have all become part of daily life in Venezuela, and we all need to watch as this unfolds very carefully, because similar scenarios will soon be playing out all over the planet.


1 ulasan:

  1. gwa dah bersedia ke??? mampu ke lapar... mampu ke haus...
    mintak2 tabah la nnti...
    gelandangan kat KL lapar tak...
    dengar citer gelandangan nie ade sbb takmmpu nak menyewa.. entah la?
    yg gwa tahu.. lapar kat m'sia nie:
    lapar sbb malas nak kluar beli... entah la?
    lapar sbb malas nak masak... entah la?
    lapar sbb malas nak makan... entah la?
    lapar sbb malas nak menguyah... entah la?
    mintak tuhan masih beri rahmatnye kat bumi m'sia nie sampai bile2...
