Jumaat, 20 Mei 2016





China demands US military 'stop spying' over South China Sea

China says US allegation that fighter jets intercepted a US navy plane at an unsafe distance Tuesday are ‘not true’, and that the navy should cease all missions there

China has rejected US claims that its fighter jets maneuvered unsafely when they intercepted an American navy reconnaissance plane over the South China Sea, and demanded that the US end such missions close to Chinese territory.
The Chinese jets monitored the US plane from an acceptable distance and operated in a safe and professional manner, foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei told journalists at a regularly scheduled news briefing.
“According to the related Chinese authorities, the US allegation is not true,” Hong said.
Frequent reconnaissance missions by US navy vessels’ aircraft off the Chinese coast jeopardize China’s sea and air safety, Hong said. “We urge the US to immediately stop spying activities and prevent such events from happening again,” he said.
The Pentagon said two Chinese J-11 fighters flew within about 15 meters (50 feet) of the US EP-3 Aries aircraft on Tuesday, forcing the US pilot to descend sharply to avoid a collision. It said the US plane was conducting routine operations in international airspace.


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