Khamis, 9 Jun 2016







apa sudah jadi
dengan KJ
ketua pemuda
parti ketuanan melayu
kenapa senyap saje

mengaku pernah bekerja
dengan majalah ECONOMIST london
majalah economist membongkar
salah laku najib rosmah
apa pandangan kj
setuju dengan economist
atau majalah enonomist buat fitnah

mahu dilihat liberal berwibawa
tapi senyap  tak berkata apa apa
tentang salah laku najib rosmah
dalam kes 1MDB
dalam kes pembunuhan altantuya
dalam kes pembunuhan kevin
tak perlu guna alasan sab kudis
kes dalam mahkamah 
atau kes dah selesai

hudud belum sab kudis lagi
hudud belum ke mahkamah
hudud baru ke parlimen

kenapa ketua pemuda gerombolan
senyap menikus
tak berani cakap hal hudud
setuju dengahn hadi?
setuju denmgan nak abdoh?
setuju dengan tontonwi?

apa lanjutan siasatan rasuah 100 juta
dalam kementerian belia dan sukan?
bila laporan siasatan akan diumumkan?
beri kenyataan akan disiasat
sampai hari ini semua jadi batu

The 1MDB affair: Turning the screw - The Economist
The Economist
Apr 23, 2016 - AS IF being investigated by seven countries wasn't enough, 1MDB is also flirting with default. Government gumshoes in Switzerland, America ...

Malaysia's 1MDB affair: Follow the money, if you can - The Economist
The Economist
Mar 5, 2016 - Investigators in several countries are trying to get to the bottom of Malaysia's growing corruption scandal.

Malaysia | Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business ...
The Economist
A cakewalk in Borneo is a boon for Najib Razak—at least for now2. Turning the screw. The 1MDBaffair: Turning the screw. Apr 21st 2016, 2:41 from Print edition.

The Economist explains: The 1MDB affair | The Economist
The Economist
May 27, 2016 - The company, which is also facing criminal proceedings in its native Switzerland, is one of several banks to have handled cash linked to 1MDB, ...

Switzerland widens its enquiries into Malaysia's 1MDB | The Economist
The Economist
Apr 14, 2016 - EARLIER this year authorities in Switzerland said they had begun criminal investigations into two former officials at 1MDB—a Malaysian state ...

The Najib effect | The Economist
The Economist
Mar 5, 2016 - Investigators are looking into whether the money is linked to a troubled state investment firm, 1MDB, whose advisory board Mr Najib chairs.

The Economist: 1MDB crucial test of how world deals with cross ...
Apr 22, 2016 - The 1MDB affair could serve as an important test of how the world deals with cr


3 ulasan:

  1. Aummmmmm..aummmmmm.aummmmmm...aummmmmm..zzzzzzzzz...

  2. Rosmok dah cekik skrotum dia sebelah, apa blh buat, terpaksa la layan Rosmok punye rentak. Nak jaga step lagi, strategi kena cun. Silap langkah selamat la mamat ni. Susah2, skandal je dgn Rosmok, muka dah ngam dgn Rosmok punye taste, ala2 bollywood. Nak idup beb... cuma takut 'adik' je xleh nak bangun tgk Rosmok strip, kalo di alam Maya, skali dia jeling je 'adik' dah berdenyut....nyut..nyut.

  3. Bau TAIK lah

    NAJIS ke ?????

    TUN kata NAJIS lah

    Ada NAJIS aka TAIK mana boleh bising bising

    Bau TAIK busok lah

    Ada lalat pulak

    OH MY SHIT !!!!!!!
