Selasa, 23 Ogos 2016



berita baik telah sampai
sejarah telah dibuat 
mahkamah dunia 
kelmarin buat permulaan
siapa pemusnah warisan dunia
boleh ditangkap
boleh dibawa ke 
mahkamah dunia di the hague
untuk dibicarakan

ini bermakna 
kita boleh buat laporan polis
terhadap ku nan
buat laporan polis  di paris 
di london dan amsterdam
terhadap ku nan 
yang merobohkan  puncak purnama

masanya telah sampai
untuk mengambil tindakan

kini dunia tanpa sempadan
ini maknanya dunia milik semua
warisan dunia milik bersama
kita hidup bantu membantu

tangkap ku nan
dan hantarkan ke belanda
kita londehkan kepada dunia
jenayah orang jahat ini

'I am sorry': Islamist apologises for destroying Timbuktu mausoleums

The first defendant to plead guilty at the international criminal court has apologised to Mali and to mankind for destroying religious monuments in the ancient city of Timbuktu.
Ahmad al-Mahdi admitted directing the destruction of nine mausoleums and a mosque door in 2012, when Timbuktu was controlled by rebels and members of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb.
At the opening of his trial for war crimes in The Hague, he expressed his “deep regret” to the people of Timbuktu, to whom the monuments had been of great religious and cultural importance.
Mahdi is the first person to be tried by the ICC for destroying cultural heritage, something its chief prosecutor said was increasingly under threat from extremist groups, including Isis.
“Our cultural heritage is not a luxury good – we must protect it from desecration and ravages,” Bensouda told the court. “This must be stopped in its tracks. History will not be generous to our failure to care.


1 ulasan:

  1. Buat habis beras saja

    Settle kan M.O.1. dulu lah

    Kalau tak dapat cari MONKEY OFFICER macam mana soljal soljal nak buat kerja betul

    Tak kan negara nak bagi MONKEY jaga kem kot

    Kasihan lah Rakyat PEMBAYAR CUKAI
