Khamis, 20 Oktober 2016






Leonardo DiCaprio to return any funds linked to Malaysian 1MDB fraud

Leonardo DiCaprio is aiding the investigation into a Malaysian embezzlement scam linked to his hit film The Wolf of Wall Street, according to his spokesperson on Tuesday.
The Hollywood star contacted the US justice department in July just after it filed a lawsuit to seize more than US$1bn in allegedly ill-gotten assets tied to Malaysian state investment fund 1MDB, including rights to the film, DiCaprio’s spokesperson said.
Allegations of a vast international scheme of embezzlement and money-laundering involving billions of dollars of 1MDB money began to emerge two years ago, rocking Malaysia’s political establishment.
The statement says DiCaprio is awaiting direction from the US justice department regarding any funds that may have supported his environmental foundation or 2013 film The Wolf of Wall Street.
The Oscar-winning actor released a statement through his representatives on Tuesday saying he will return any gifts or donations connected to the Malaysian wealth fund, pending a fraud investigation of that fund by the US and other countries.
“Both Mr DiCaprio and [the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation] continue to be entirely supportive of all efforts to assure that justice is done in this matter,” the statement said. “Mr DiCaprio is grateful for the lead and instruction of the government on how to accomplish this.”


4 ulasan:

  1. Menyesal tak sudah budak OMPUTEH nih

    Bahalol jugak

  2. Tu manusia yg dicop parti hardy penghuni neraka, penggemar seks bebas, pemakan babi, kaki arak...agak agak nya Islam AMNO sanggup tak buat mcmtu

  3. MeLayu ngamok jer angkat cangkuL mamaK meLayu seLak kain bugis meLayu Lempar sauh ke Laura daLam, meLayu indon angkat bangLa desK and chair 1.5 miLLions....oooo my biLyun..!! What's next.?

  4. Pundek la tt. dari hari tu hari-hari akhir. x akhir-akhir jugak.
