Ahad, 8 Januari 2017







End of the US Empirre: Russian Warships Just Arrived in the Philipines
By Darius Shahtahmasebi
January 06, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - "ANTIMEDIA" - Notable American foreign policy critic and linguist, Professor Noam Chomsky, has stated numerous times that the United States’ power has steadily been declining since the end of World War II. As Chomsky notes, in 1945, the United States had “literally half the world’s wealth, incredible security, controlled the entire Western Hemisphere, both oceans, [and[ the opposite sides of both oceans.”

In that context – and in the context of the United States waging war in multiple countries across the globe with the most advanced military technology in the world – it is hard to understand how this has happened. But Chomsky is not wrong.

‘Dock here anytime’: Duterte visits Russian destroyer, wants Moscow to be ally & protector

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte visited the Russian warship Admiral Tributs, one of two currently docked in Manila. The move is another sign of warming relations amid the Philippines’ spat with decades-long ally, the US.
Duterte boarded the ship Friday afternoon, where he was welcomed by the Russian Navy and Ambassador Igor Khovaev.
“We welcome our Russian friends. Anytime you want to dock here for anything, for play, for replenish supplies or maybe our ally to protect us,” Duterte said as cited by Reut


3 ulasan:

  1. ahha...cewek russia baru betul mata jelly.

    jeles nengok pilipin...kalau kacukan russia muncul kek pilipin...abihlah melayu.

    mata jelly pilipin pulak jadi sasaran...habihlah thailand.. habihlah taja raja...china ngan russia mana ada raja..melayu pej7ang tak nak komplin ke SWR atai DOJ keeeeeeee....?????

  2. Ada pro ada con. Bila 1 je pegang kuasa besar, yang lain semua patuh dan akur, takde berani buat kecoh atau jadi pembuli. Tapi ini hanya baik dan beri kestabilan kalau pemegang kuasa tu sendiri baik dan bertanggungjawab. Kalau pemegang kuasa hati syaitan dan seleweng, hancuss sebab takde lain yang mampu tanding kuasa dia. Dalam kes begini elok pula ada lebih dari 1 pemegang kuasa yang lebihkurang sama besar dan hebat, setiap satu mengimbangi dan memberi ingatan pada yang lain. Tapi ini juga hanya elok bila yang besar-besar ini bertanggungjawab dan rasional. Malang besar bagi yang kecil-kecil jika 2 atau lebih kuasa besar mula bergusti sesama mereka dan ingin membuktikan yang satu lebih kuat dari lain, umpama beruang dan badak bergasak, kancil yang kecil terkucil

  3. patut la bangang hishamuddin rais ni. dok baca anti-media, Globalresearch, Russia Today, Sputnik je kahkahkah
