Isnin, 13 Mac 2017






Global Leaders Rattle Their Sabers As The World Marches Toward War

Iran just conducted another provocative missile test, more U.S. troops are being sent to the Middle East, it was just announced that the U.S. military will be sending B-1 and B-52 bombers to South Korea in response to North Korea firing four missiles into the seas near Japan, and China is absolutely livid that a U.S. carrier group just sailed through contested waters in the South China Sea.  

We have entered a season where leaders all over the globe feel a need to rattle their sabers, and many fear that this could be leading us to war.  In particular, Donald Trump is going to be under the microscope in the days ahead as other world leaders test his resolve.  Will Trump be able to show that he is tough without going over the edge and starting an actual conflict?


1 ulasan:

  1. semua negara menghala ke laut china selatan..hanya malaysia yg masih desrt storm di yemen, hanya malaysia yg menghantar ambulan ke syria..hanya malaysia melalui umno sja yg nampak sperti hulubalang pasir salak yg mahu menhentam korea utara..malaysia nak selamatkan 9org warga saja tp malaysia mejual semua tanah melayu..dgr2 projek perikanan di utara pun sudah di china komuniskan..malaysia ada hubungan dagangan dgn syiah iran, dagangan dgn wahabi saudi, jual tanah kpd china komunis, menjual legasi madey kpd china chery tanjung malim..yg belum dijual gadai adalah mak badak..tak mungkin china akan beli mak badak sb china sudah mengharamkan import gading dan haiwan2 eksotik dari african termasuk tanduk badak..
