Selasa, 20 Jun 2017



bila ditemui bumi lain
bila ditemui makhlok asing
apa jadi dengan labon
para penjual agama?
atau para penjual ini akan buat
you turn dan cari nas baru
untuk terus menjual ke?
saje tanya 
jangan marah
kah kah kah

'We are not alone': Nasa telescope finds 10 Earth-like planets

Astronomers have added 219 candidates to the growing list of planets beyond the solar system, 10 of which may be about the same size and temperature as Earth, boosting the chances of hosting life.
Scientists found the candidates in a final batch of Nasa’s Kepler Space Telescope observations of 200,000 sample stars in the constellation Cygnu
They include 10 newly discovered rocky worlds that are the right distance from their parent stars for water, if it exists there, to pool on the surface. Scientists believe liquid water is a key ingredient for life.
“An important question for us is, ‘Are we alone?’” Kepler program scientist Mario Perez said in a conference call with reporters. “Maybe Kepler today is telling us indirectly ... that we are not alone.”
During a four-year mission Kepler found 2,335 confirmed planets and another 1,699 candidates, bringing its tally to 4,034. That number includes about 50 worlds that may be about the same size and temperature as Earth.


7 ulasan:

  1. oit bro..ini nasa yg mana? nasa yg jadi pelincir utk wang curi 1mdb ke atau nasha aziz??kunfius bro..

    1. By the way, bila nasa nak saman rafizi? Ikut teladan bos dia MO1 juga?

  2. Kata uztaz .. orang islam sangat bukit beruntung .. semua eilmu ada dalam quran .. dah tak payah buat apa-apa kajian mcm Sang Kapir Laknat yang terpaksa meneroka Alamraya.

  3. Mereka ini bila ada penemuan baru mereka akan berkata didalam kitab telah pun diberitahu. Bukan mereka yang mengkaji. Kenapa tak berikan bukti-bukti nyata. Inilah sifat-sifat penjual agama. Macam-macam cara orang cari duit. Nak mempertahankan punca ekonomi sahaja.

  4. ten more world to DESTROY?

  5. buat apa temu ini temu itu...?

    dalam laut pon tak kesah!

    buang plastik merepah aje!
    langit dah kena tutup dengan SAMPAH, kat orbit!

    p.s. dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung. langit ada junjung tak?

  6. ada 'd-nar-sor' lah!

    kalo pegi, kena HALAU!

    kat kastam kena sekat kena cop "pendatang ASING" atau takde "VISA"!!!!!!!!!!!!

