Ini pun satu perkara lama jugak yang masih berlaku dan perlu di awasi... 20% maknanya 2,000 tu beb, 2ribu orang terkumpul setempat, banyak dan bahaya tu! The residents are concerned for their safety and that's why we voluntarily conducted such briefing service programme to educate them (Africans) not to misbehave in public areas," he said. Najib said there were 10,000 people living in Flora Damansara and about 20 per cent of them were Africans. "We have to do something to curb the social problems. We do not want our family members to be caught in these social issues." Najib said what they did was for the benefit of the residents, regardless of race, religion and origin.
Ekau bocor rahsio SPRM buek apo? Kito tunggu la dulu... Mano tau ado stunt man baru nak torjun tiruk ikut tingkap laie...
Cubo ekau ingat balik dah berapo lamo tingkap SPRM bolum di bukak? Berapo lamo pogawai SPRM tak OT sambil tonton bidio lucah? Kut ado pombokal video German daripado Temerloh ado chance berjago sampai ko suboh gajah..
Ini pun satu perkara lama jugak yang masih berlaku dan perlu di awasi... 20% maknanya 2,000 tu beb, 2ribu orang terkumpul setempat, banyak dan bahaya tu!
BalasPadamThe residents are concerned for their safety and that's why we voluntarily conducted such briefing service programme to educate them (Africans) not to misbehave in public areas," he said. Najib said there were 10,000 people living in Flora Damansara and about 20 per cent of them were Africans. "We have to do something to curb the social problems. We do not want our family members to be caught in these social issues." Najib said what they did was for the benefit of the residents, regardless of race, religion and origin.
Ekau bocor rahsio SPRM buek apo? Kito tunggu la dulu... Mano tau ado stunt man baru nak torjun tiruk ikut tingkap laie...
BalasPadamCubo ekau ingat balik dah berapo lamo tingkap SPRM bolum di bukak? Berapo lamo pogawai SPRM tak OT sambil tonton bidio lucah? Kut ado pombokal video German daripado Temerloh ado chance berjago sampai ko suboh gajah..
kalau aku ada magic.. Aku sumpah semua yg terlibat ni jadi PUKI betul.. Seketul seketul berjalan di malaysia....kakakkakaka