Rabu, 13 September 2017




DEAR Prime Minister Najib Razak, 

As an American who loves the Malaysian People, I say that you are not welcome here in our country.

You have failed Malaysia, and degraded its young democracy into a civilian dictatorship.
The Wall Street Journal warned us this week, “Mr. Najib will visit the White House next week for a presidential photo-op that could help him win the next general election and imperil Malaysia’s

And that’s one thing that Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and others usually agree on: we don’t like to see the American president being used.

This week, the chorus of voices against your planned White House visit is growing louder and louder from both Americans and Malaysians — ranging from the former US Ambassador to Malaysia, to esteemed journalists who know Malaysia well, to entire newspaper editorial teams, all the way to brave Malaysians who are tirelessly fighting your corruption and authoritarianism.

These are only three of the myriad reasons why I and many Americans don’t like you:

1. You’ve only been in the US one day, and you’ve already started lying to both Americans and Malaysians.

You wrote yesterday to the American people: “We have fought Daesh (ISIS) through the promotion of moderation.”

Actually, many Americans already know that you are actually one of the world’s notorious enemies of moderation: You’ve banned books about moderation in Malaysia, you embrace violent extremists, and you failed to successfully fight ISIS: Malaysia has one of the highest rates of ISIS followers in Asia, arguably because of the culture of extremism that you’ve encouraged; 11%  of Malaysians (approximately three million) support ISIS and suicide bombings. You in the White House after September 11, this sacred day for Americans, is inappropriate.

We also know that your government’s latest approval rating is only around 23% nationwide, 31% among Malay voters, 5% among Chinese-Malaysian voters, and so on.

We also know you probably personally ordered that poor Mongolian girl to be murdered.

2. We know that you are no friend or partner to America.

During your party’s 60 years of rule, many Americans are aware that you have been openly criticizing the United States, meanwhile increasingly cozying up to China. For example, last November you wrote in The China Daily that Western countries like the United States should not “lecture” governments like Malaysia’s on their internal affairs, not long after our Department of Justice froze over US$1.6 billion of Malaysian taxpayers’ money that you and your associates stole from your own people— the largest money-laundering case in US history.

We know that you gushed to Beijing’s state-controlled media that China has been creating “regional stability and harmony,” which is laughable news to the smaller countries that China’s military has been bullying in the South China Sea. In your July South China Morning Post editorial,” you also repeatedly flattered China as Malaysia’s “friend” no less than four times.

We can see that you’re hoping for a wad of that Chinese money, with no accountability or strings attached.

3. We know that you illegally exploited our banks and abused the United States’ financial system. We don’t appreciate that you and your materialistic wife stole between US$4 and US$8 billion from your own people. You probably think that this is not a big deal, but this is not normal behavior.

We know that you have a history of protecting corrupt criminal friends of yours, including your friend Jho Taek Low, who is still hiding from the FBI and criminal investigators in the Shanghai Peninsula Hotel under the protection of the Government of China, as well as your cronies Mohamad Salleh Ismail and his corrupt children, whose “Cowgate” scandal was so unethical, that it became a global business ethics textbook case study.

In the same way that you used the American financial system for your own gain, you now intend to use the American president? Not on our watch.

At a time when the world’s young democracies and human rights are under increasing attack by ineffective, authoritarian governments like yours, rest assured that I and many other Americans will continue to stand with the Malaysian people.

It’s therefore okay for you and your government to be turned away. You are not welcome here.

Selamat tinggal,

An American









3 ulasan:


  2. Johny gelandangan Mana yg rajin bikin filim ni.
    Ajak mai Jln Panggong la Ahad ni...kita blanja bihun sop.

  3. Ese tak pueh ati. Apo plak kito kono baco omputih? Ese ghaso tak pueh ati bilo TT ngempen Trump kamceng pacucheng Najib. Apo ekau tak pueh ati samo Hillary? Apo plak ekau suko Trump nih? Cubo cerito cubo cerito..
