Jumaat, 24 November 2017




inilah jawapannya, kah kah kah...nak nafi lagi on SALAHKAN TUHAN
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on 11/24/17
KUCHING: A simulation of emergency response plan (ERP) for villagers affected by the Bengoh Dam in the unlikely event of a disaster is scheduled for April next year.
This was revealed by a Kuching Water Board (KWB) engineer during a briefing held at the KWB site office near the dam yesterday. KWB is managing and operating the dam.
The engineer Wahab Lias said the water level at the reservoir would be reduced to 65 metres by March next year.
Wahab said he could not answer any question with regards to the safety of the dam as that is the duty and responsibility of the Public Works Department (PWD).


1 ulasan:

  1. Kata ustaz kita org islam didunia ni tak payah buat apa apa.. semua dah ada dalam quran.. aturan idup dah diatur sejak azali senario lagi. Biar je org kapir buat kajian itu ini.

    Kalau lah ampangan ini nak pecah.. maka pecah lah dia ..bayangkan berapa ramai yg saheed nanti. Kontraktor yg bina ampangan ini dulu dah selamat.. dah kaya raya ..semua kerana berkat doa dan dhuha kontraktor tersebut.. entah dah brapa kali kontraktor ini ke Mukah.
