Isnin, 12 Februari 2018




Syria shoots down Israeli warplane as conflict escalates

An Israeli F-16 fighter jet has crashed after being hit by Syrian air defences during an offensive in Syria, the Israeli military says.
The two pilots parachuted to safety before the crash in northern Israel. It is believed to be the first time Israel has lost a jet in the Syrian conflict.
The plane was hit during air strikes in response to an Iranian drone launch into Israeli territory, Israel says.
The drone was shot down. Israel later launched further strikes in Syria.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) say they hit aerial defence batteries and Iranian military sites in the latest strikes.
Israeli air strikes in Syria are not unusual, the BBC's Middle East correspondent Tom Bateman says, but the loss of an Israeli fighter jet marks a serious escalation


1 ulasan:

  1. takda plak pejuang2 palestin buat kenduri kesyukuran dimalaysia ni..mungkin sebab trump tak bagi dana kat palestin kot..tu yg senyap sunyi je tu..
