Khamis, 26 April 2018



Abis tu nk buat mcmna tt?xkan kita dok redha je kena tipu lagi.kasi la idea apa nk buat...xkan nk biar kita ditipu lg,next pru ditipu lg, lagi dan lagi... apa nk buat kasi menang tt...Cuba kasi pencerahan... on 
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at 3:01 PM


2 ulasan:

  1. Relations between the University of Manchester (UoM) and Israeli arms manufacturers have been exposed in a new report by student activists. Members of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement revealed the web of connections between the university’s commercial arm and several weapons companies including Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) which produced drones that were used during the Gaza onslaught of 2014.

    In the report “Entangled Graphene, Arms, Israel and The University of Manchester”, the activists document several cases of collaboration and commercial ventures between companies tied to UoM and Israel, Middle East Monitor reported.

    UoM is said to be a pioneer in the research and development of Nanene, which is a particular type of graphene, a material that is thought to be 200x stronger than steel making it the strongest material known.

    graduan2 dr UoM, mungkin ada talibarut Israel - hahaha haahha ahahaha

    British sources said last night that Edalat is a British-Iranian citizen and a professor of computer sciences and mathematics at Imperial College in London.

    Imperial College plays a special role in training spies in different disguises to launch espionage operations inside Iran.

    Kolej kebanggaan melayu... rupa2nya tempat rekrut egen. nik tak cerdik tu grad mana ek???

  2. Tt maaf aku komen kat post lama sebab ni je cara dapat komen setelah aku try macam2. Baca post baru boleh kalau guna proxy, tapi komen tak boleh, mungkin sebab perlu verification oleh captcha tu kot buatkan sistem proxy tu sewel sikit? Aku just nak remind kau dan pemimpin pakatan lagi satu lepas aku remind pasal kaedah mengundi 2 hari lepas, ini jugak sangat2 important: quarantine segera semua pemenang warisan kat hq mereka! Serahkan semua handphone. Incoming dan outgoing phone calls dan communication cuma dalam HQ tu dan hanya dengan green light dari dan witnessed by presiden warisan! Jangan bagi peluang katak tetiba hidup dengan 50juta!
