Rabu, 3 Oktober 2018



Deaths of high-profile Iraqi women spark fear of conservative backlash

Even to a country inured to violence, the images were shocking. A man on a motorbike pulled up next to a car window and fired three shots at Tara al-Fares, killing her on a Baghdad street.

The daylight assassination, captured by a surveillance camera, was both brazen and familiar to Iraqis who lived through the civil war and painful decade since.

Yet it was also shockingly distinctive; the body slumped in the car seat was not a politician, official, insurgent or warlord. She was a former beauty queen; a young woman with both profile and attitude, one of four high-profile Iraqi women to have been killed across the country in quick succession.


1 ulasan:

  1. ini pembunuhan high profile women..kat yemen tu nyawa org2 miskin kena bunuh..dulu islam saudi ben laden kata tiada tempat bg israel dibumi ini..hingga kini israel terus kuat dan kuat..saudi penjaga tmpt doa dikalbu kan juga berterusan mbunuh warga..kini juga, anwar berkata ayat yg sama kpd lbgt..sb itu la kaum kafir mlihat islam sbg pembunuh dan pembikin undang2 syurga dan neraka..islam rahmatul alamin, maka anwar berlaku rasis kpd minoriti..mana ust wan ji..taknak ckp apa2 pasal islam anwar ke?
