Jumaat, 10 Mei 2019





Chelsea Manning released after 62-day confinement in jail

However, the former army intelligence analyst was served a new subpoena ordering her to appear before another grand jury
Chelsea Manning has been released from jail after 62 days of confinement for refusing to testify before a grand jury.

The former army intelligence analyst, who leaked hundreds of thousands of state secrets to WikiLeaks in 2010, was released from the William G Truesdale adult detention center in Alexandria, Virginia, on Thursday after the grand jury she had defied expired.

But her liberation may yet be short-lived. According to her lawyers, even before she walked free, she was issued with a new subpoena ordering her to appear before another grand jury – possibly as soon as 16 May.

Manning’s two-month stint in custody bore echoes of the seven years she spent behind bars on a 35-year sentence for leaking one of the largest stashes of US state secrets in history. As with her military imprisonment, she served some of her jail time in solitary confinement.




1 ulasan:

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