Isnin, 3 Februari 2020





Coronavirus: China's stock market plummets as country's death toll climbs past 360

One source of figures on the deaths and infections from the coronavirus that we have been referring to is Johns Hopkins University in the US. Its tracker shows Chinese and global cases of infections and deaths, including visual representations of the virus. Below is a snapshot of what it’s showing now. The headline figures are:

17,318 confirmed cases globally

362 deaths globally (all in China except one in Philippines)

It’s worth noting that they separate out cases in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, whereas the Chinese Health Commission groups them in their figure all under China.

 Filipinos hoping to buy face masks crowd outside a medical supply shop. Officials are trying to track those who may have come into contact with a Wuhan man who died from coronavirus in the Philippines, the first case outside China. 

Philippines races to trace those linked to first coronavirus death outside China

Officials in the Philippines are racing to identify people who had contact with a 44-year-old man who has become the first person to die from the new coronavirus outside China.

The man, who was from Wuhan, the centre of the outbreak in China, had visited three provinces after arriving in the Philippines from Hong Kong.


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