Isnin, 21 Disember 2020





Unknown commented on


How stupid does he think we are? Stop talking about the effing numbers and audiences with the Agong la. Stop all the stupid moves, the we might believe he's not obsessed. But the damage has already been done and nothing that the idiot does will reclaim any credibility he has. Eff these people la....

1 ulasan:

  1. My 5 kupang view is this, every dickhead thinks he has a shot in becoming PM. Things are fluid mah, some fighting to avoid lokap, others want to make money while there is still time. So how? Screw the people, screw economy, screw the system. In short , screw everything, grab what you can and while you can. While the dickheads
    are busy eyeing on money, the blue blooded ones move closer to the throne. Anwar is miles away from the throne should watch out for H2O. This is the guy that has real shot in getting it. Mark my word, it's H2O.
