Rabu, 31 Mac 2010




ini bukan ajaran sesat
ini cara merapatkan
awang pada dara
bujang pada janda
bra pada dada kah kah kah

17 ulasan:

  1. haha!!!...aduii!!..macam mana bley terbit lawak macm gini nieh!!!...aduii!.sakit rahang aku gelak!!

  2. cayalah TT

    seperti UMNO dgn APCO..

    irama dgn lagu...

  3. apa punya sial...lawak ayah pin ni.

    ingat rahsia mende...

  4. Panjang & Berperingkat2 sikit ni pos aku ni, TAPI AMAT PENTING!!...kita tengok dgn siapa 'mereka' berkawan...


    These teachings on the Antichrist (Al Massih Al Dajjal) in Islam are taken from the "Spiritual Discussions" of the Prophet Mohammad, known in Arabic as "Al-Ahadiths". The Quran does not mention the Antichrist, but speaks of "Gog and Magog, symbol of the Antichrist.
    In Islam, the Antichrist is known as the "False Christ" or "The impostor Christ" (Al Massih al Dajjal).
    We bring forth the explanation and the numbering of these Al-Ahadiths translated from the Arabic book "Manhal al Waridin" by the late Sheik Sobhi El Saleh. This book is a compilation of the noble Ahadiths among them we find those concerning the Antichrist "Al Massih Al Dajjal".
    Sheik Sobhi Saleh reported these Ahadiths faithfully and has numbered them.
    Here are the main points revealed by the Prophet Mohammad about the Antichrist, they correspond perfectly to the Biblical prophecies about this impostor revealed by the prophecies as being the Israeli state:
    1) "From Adam until the day of resurrection of the dead, there is no a bigger matter than the Impostor (Antichrist)" (n°1812):
    In spite of this verse, some believers consider that the Antichrist is of a marginal importance, not deserving to be mentioned. Such an indifferent attitude is unworthy of Christians and Moslems since the prophet Mohammad said: there is no bigger matter than the impostor. This is practically important nowadays because this Impostor ("Al Dajjal" in Arabic) is now in the world.
    2) The Discussion n°204 reports that Mohammad spoke a lot about the Impostor:
    "The prophet praised God then mentioned the False Christ (the Antichrist) and spoke for a long time about him. He said (among other things): ... He will appear among you, then what was unknown to you about him, will be unknown no more."
    Mohammad attracts here the attention on the fact that the Impostor's identity will remain mysterious until the moment of his advent.
    3) But how will the identity of the Antichrist be discovered? The Discussion n°1813 says:
    "The Impostor will appear and a man from the believers will head towards him… and will say: Oh men, here is the Impostor of whom spoke the Prophet."
    Thus, Mohammad informs us that God will send a believer to designate the Antichrist. This man has already appeared and, on divine order, has designated the Impostor, indicating Israel and saying: "Here is the Antichrist". This confirms the prophecy of the Gospel about the Antichrist in John's second letter:
    "The Antichrist is the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ" (2 John 2,22). This is the case of the Zionists governing the Antichrist state of Israel.
    4) How did this man detect the identity of the Antichrist?
    This happened through successive apparitions of the Messiah, Jesus, to this man in order to prepare him to his mission. The most important apparition was the one on May 13th 1970, during which Jesus told him: "Open chapter 13 of the book of Revelation: the Beast is Israel" (See our text "The Key of the Apocalypse" on site www.pierre2.org).
    After these apparitions, a meticulous and conscientious research on the prophecies about the Antichrist was undertaken. It is therefore Heaven that took the initiative to reveal the identity of the Antichrist "Al Massih Al Dajjal".

  5. Jibby Hires Jews...

    Mahathir banks with the Jews...

    What next? Jew-laysia ???


  6. ..sambung..

    4) How did this man detect the identity of the Antichrist?
    This happened through successive apparitions of the Messiah, Jesus, to this man in order to prepare him to his mission. The most important apparition was the one on May 13th 1970, during which Jesus told him: "Open chapter 13 of the book of Revelation: the Beast is Israel" (See our text "The Key of the Apocalypse" on site www.pierre2.org).
    After these apparitions, a meticulous and conscientious research on the prophecies about the Antichrist was undertaken. It is therefore Heaven that took the initiative to reveal the identity of the Antichrist "Al Massih Al Dajjal".
    5) The Biblical and Islamic prophecies indicate that the Antichrist is the Zionist state of Israel:
    We differentiate between Zionists and Jews of good faith misled by Zionism. Mohammad linked the Impostor (the Antichrist) to the Jews in the Discussion n°1810 by saying: "70.000 Jews of Ispâhan (Iran) will follow the Impostor."
    Ispâhan is the Iranian city the most inhabited by Jews. After the fall of the Shah of Iran, most of the Iranian Jews immigrated to Israel. The number 70 000 is symbolic and represents a universal number: the influx of the Jews from all over the world to Palestine.
    In the Discussion n°1818, Mohammad says again: "The resurrection of the dead won't take place before the Moslems fight the Jews. The Jew will hide behind the stones and the trees, which will say: "Oh Moslem, a Jew hides behind me, come, kill him, except the 'gharkad' because it is a tree of the Jews." ('Gharkad' is the name of a greasy plant)
    The Arab-Israeli wars, provoked by the Zionist occupation of Palestine, are a sign of the presence of the Antichrist in the Holy Land. Dr Sobhi El Saleh, in his book, thus interpreted 'gharkad' (page 992): "Species of spiny tree in Palestine where the Impostor and the Jews will perish". Two important points are to be underlined in this interpretation:
    * The intimate link between the Impostor and the Jews.
    * The Impostor appears in Palestine, and in Jerusalem itself, where he will perish with the Zionist Jews.
    This is the reason for which a lot of interpreters understood that the expression
    "Al Massih Al Dajjal" which means the "Impostor Christ" represents a group of homogeneous people, characterized by being impostors and liars. Moreover, in his book (p 608), Sheik S. El Saleh said: "The Impostor Christ is the name of the specie of those who multiply the lie and the charlatanism, because the Discussions (of the Prophet) report that at the end of the time there will appear many impostors". We understand therefore that the word Impostor represents a group of impostors and not only one individual. This is also the opinion of the Gospel: "A lot of seducers (impostors)… who don't confess that Jesus is the Messiah: They are the Deceiver (Impostor), they are the Antichrist" (2 John 7).
    Why are the Zionists qualified as the Impostor? Because they deny that Jesus is the Christ and announce another christ, a racist messiah with Zionist ambitions like Ariel Sharon today (2 John 2,22). This state of Israel is the Antichrist, simply because the true Christ is Jesus. In other words, the Antichrist is the Zionist man and the Zionist society which form the entity of the Impostor known as Israel.
    After having exposed the narrow link between the Jews and the Antichrist, we pass to another point:

  7. ...lagi...

    6) The relation between the Jews, the Antichrist and "Gog and Magog":
    We shall demonstrate that these three denominations form only one and same entity. The Zionists and Gog and Magog are a unique moral person known as the Antichrist. The Prophet Mohammad says in his Discussion n°1808:
    "Woe to the Arabs from an evil that approaches: today a breach like that (and the prophet joined the tips of his thumb and index) was open in the dam of Gog and Magog."
    Some interpreters think that Gog and Magog indicate Alexander the Great. However Alexander (IVth century BC) preceded Mohammad by almost one thousand years. Whereas the Prophet spoke about Gog and Magog in the future, not in the past, since he said: "Woe to the Arabs of an evil that approaches", not of an evil that has passed with the days of Alexander.
    The confusion between" Gog and Magog" and Alexander the Great results from the fact that the holy Koran qualifies Alexander, because of his power, as 'Dhu'l Qarnain', which means 'The Double Horned', he who has two horns:
    "Dhu'l-Qarnayn, they said, Gog and Magog are ravaging this land. Build a rampart between us and we will pay you tribute" (Koran XVIII; The Cave, 94) (The numbering of the verses can vary from one Koran to another.)
    Alexander the Great was known as the Double Horned because of Daniel's prophecy in the Bible (Daniel 8). But the above mentioned verse aims, in fact, the second Beast of John's Revelation (USA) which has 'two symbolic horns' and is at the service of the first Beast Israel, symbol of the modern paganism, Gog and Magog (Revelation 13,11-17 & 20,7-9).
    The link between "Gog and Magog" and the Antichrist is the reason for which the blessed prophet Mohammad said in one of his Discussions that the recitation of the Surat XVIII, The Cave, which is the only Koran Surat to mention Gog and Magog, protects against the Antichrist. (This is mentioned in the Koran translated in French by Mohammad Hamidullah. Published by HilàI Yayinlari - Ankara 1973.)
    The Discussion 1806 also reports that the horde of Gog and Magog will fall on Palestine coming from the whole world, since the prophet said:

  8. ..sambung..

    "God will send Gog and Magog who will surge from everywhere and their pioneers will cross the lake of Galilee ("Tabarayia in Arabic:in Palestine)."
    Note well here also that, Mohammad didn't say: "God sent Gog and Magog" but "God will send Gog and Magog who will surge from everywhere". He is therefore indicating a future event.
    The Koran confirms this massive and international gathering in Palestine at the time of the appearance of a (Beast or monster) end of the time by saying in chapter XXVII; The Ants, 82-83:
    "On the day when the Doom overtakes them, we will bring out from the earth a monster that shall speak to them. Truly, men have no faith in our revelations. On that day (at the time of the apparition of this Beast), We (God) shall gather from each nation a multitude of those who disbelieved our revelations; they shall be led in separate bands (in Palestine)".
    Who are those who disbelieve in God's Revelation?
    The Koran designates the Jews because of their disloyalty to God's covenant, to their rejection of the prophets and of the Christ and their calumnies against the Virgin Mary:
    "All came because they broke their Covenant, they denied the Revelation of God, they killed the prophets unjustly... They denied the truth and uttered a monstrous falsehood against Mary" (Koran IV; The Women, 155-156).
    People aimed by this verse, in our modern time, are the Zionists gathered from all nations in Palestine. Their blasphemous words made Mohammad say in the Discussion 1815 that "the letters K, F, R (in Arabic) are written between the eyes of the Impostor". These letters form the word "kufr" which means in Arabic "blasphemy", a word which characterizes the Antichrist. This word is also mentioned in the Bible, in the book of Revelation Chapter 17,3; written on the head of "the prostitute" who symbolizes the state of Israel.

  9. ..mohon laluan lagi ye, TT..

    7) Mohammad also qualifies this Impostor as the "One-eyed Liar":
    In the Discussion 1815, Mohammad says:
    "He is one-eyed and your almighty God is not one-eyed".
    He is one-eyed because he sees with only one eye, and according to his personal interests. He lies in all his words concerning the divine Truths and in his dialogues with men. He disfigures God's miracles and prophecies, especially by announcing another Zionist messiah.
    This character has been well incarnated in Moshe Dian the one eyed Israeli officer.
    8) Mohammad puts in guard against the Antichrist's power of misleading and seducing.
    Mohammad said in his Discussion 1806:
    "What I most fear for you is the Impostor... He will present himself before the people and will invite them; they will believe in him and will answer to him."
    Israel has, indeed, solicited the world and the Arabs themselves who in majority have answered, implicitly or explicitly, the Israeli call (Camp David, Oslo etc…).

  10. ..last but not least..

    In the Surat "The Ants", God says again:
    "On that day the Trumpet shall be sounded and all who dwell in the Heavens and on earth be seized with fear, except for those whom God will choose to spare.. Say: Praise be to God! He will show you His signs and you will recognize them". (Koran XXVII; The Ants, 87-93)
    What are these signs that God will show and that only the true believers will recognize? Among these signs, the first is the apparition of the Antichrist in the Holy Land. The second sign is the advent of the believer who designates and unmasks Israel, the Impostor.
    The wise believers must know that the Christ Jesus, Son of Mary, is today at work among us, inviting the pure consciences to fight against the Zionist Impostor and his allies. The good news of the victory of Jesus and His followers was announced by God's prophecies. Jesus' soldiers listen to the trumpet that already sounds.
    Let us end by a speech of the Prophet Mohammad who, watching jealously over the believers, would have liked to refute the Impostor's arguments himself:
    "What I fear for you above all is the Impostor. If he appears while I am among you, it is I who will break his arguments. But should he appears and I am not among you, then each is to argue for himself. And God is my successor by every Moslem."
    The Antichrist appeared and Mohammad is not among us. Therefore, his unique successor is God Himself. It is the Creator who, today, urges us to fight against the Antichrist. The moment has come: Nobody should prevent this fight; the true believers should now find the good arguments, as the Prophet prescribes, and rush to fight against the Antichrist without allowing religious traditions to prevent them from doing so. The time has come to remember the words of Mohammad in his Discussion n°184:
    "Whoever fights them with his hand is a believer, whoever fights them with his heart is a believer, whoever fights them with his tongue is a believer and, beyond that, there is not a grain of faith".

  11. ..sikit lagi...

    9) How will the Antichrist perish?
    The Prophet Mohammad reveals it in his Discussion n°1806:
    "God will send Jesus, Son of Mary, who will pursue him… and will reach him at the door of Lod (close to Jerusalem)... Then Jesus will raise a people whom God made invincible by him (the Antichrist)... and God will send Gog and Magog who will surge from everywhere... "
    Notice that it is Jesus, the Christ, who is sent against the Antichrist and against Gog and Magog. Also notice that it is through a people made invincible that the Christ leads his war against his enemies. In this same Discussion, God says about this invincible people that he gathered: "I threw (to the fight) some of my devoted people that no one has hands to fight."
    These devoted believers who rush against the Antichrist are inspired, in this holy battle, by the Spirit of the Christ Jesus. They will annihilate the Antichrist.
    Let's recall that it is at the door of Lod, close to Jerusalem (where is found today the Israeli international airport) that the Antichrist must perish. It demonstrates that it is in Palestine that the Antichrist exists. This is why Mohammad says in his Discussion n°1808: "The Impostor will appear in my nation. He will stay 40; I don't know whether it is 40 days, 40 months or 40 years. But God will send Jesus, Son of Mary, who will pursue him and will annihilate him; then men will live seven years (symbolically) without animosity, even between two people."
    It is at the end of the time that Gog and Magog appear. The Surat of "The Cave" mentions the final Judgment in relation with these pagans. Their gathering means that the trumpet of the end of the time has already sounded:
    "On that day We will let them come in tumultuous throngs. The trumpet shall be sounded and We will gather them all together (in Palestine). On that day We shall lay Hell bare before the unbelievers, who have turned a blind eye to My admonitions and a deaf ear to My warning". (Koran XVIII; The Cave, 99-101)

  12. banyak je ayah pin di kedai runcit rumah aku.
    keh keh.

  13. Bila bujang bertemu janda
    Mesti bujang tak dpt rasa dara
    tapi janda banyak rahsianya
    janda pandai membeza rasa...

  14. Malaysia + Jew = MALAJEW (Bunyi macam melayu jer....)

  15. Pantun 4 kerat:

    Kasut kilat tak ada akai
    mata lebam susah nak lupa
    apa ilmu ayah pin pakai?
    sekali ghaib terus tak jumpa

    gula naik poketku pokai
    banyakkan tol hang punya suka
    apa ilmu ayah pin pakai?
    anak buah orang2 besor belaka

  16. hampeh boto la kau nih din...
    nak putuih raso ee urek kontot den...
