Terbongkar..jeng jeng jeng.. Makluk Paling Berkuasa Di Tanah Melayu., Bukan Kabinet Melayu Islam.. Bukan Raja Raja Melayu.. Bukan Madey Chedet.. Bukan Lim Kit Siang.. Bukan Robert Kuok.. Bukan Uostad Edi Wang$..
Wahai..AG MACC PDRM SPR KABINET ROS PAC SPRM kamu se olah olah uostad priest kpd JHOLOW..kamu sangjung sembah hingga PERTAHANKAN si MAHARAJA CINA TEMBAM JHOLOW...bukan saje dm negara..bahkan di seluruh dunia..
Sembah lah kalian kpd Maharaja Tembam Jholow..makluk paling berkuasa di Tanah Melayu..tdk blh di sentuh..tdi blh di kecam..tdk blh di ancam..tdk blh di persoalkan dlm Parlimen.. dlm Media
I've personally had a deep intellectual discourse/discussion with Syed Akbar Ali back towards the end of 2008 whilst having tea together. His blog writings have the panache and brilliance of Cicero and Cromwell and truly embody the time-tested well enshrined legal maxim :
Salus populi suprema lex esto (Latin: "The health (welfare, good, salvation, felicity) of the people should be the supreme law", "Let the good of the people be the supreme (or highest) law", or "The welfare and well-being of the people shall be the supreme law") is a maxim or principle found in Cicero's De Legibus (book III, part III, sub. VIII).
Such is its importance that a court made the judicial pronouncement as to its global importance :
The maxim salus populi suprema lex is the law of all courts and countries — Haverty v. Bass, 66 Me. 71 (1876).
Dapatkan Buku Terbaru Hisham, hubungi 012-664-8873 Hadi
KEGANASAN, PENIPUAN & INTERNET (hegemoni media daulah pecah) Edisi/Cetakan Kedua
Rampaian tulisan-tulisan Hishamuddin Rais dari Malaysia Kini, Oriental Daily, Malaysia-Today, Suara Keadilan
Lima bulan dari Mei hingga Oktober 2008. Tersenarai 10 buku non-fiksyen tempatan. TERLARIS di toko buku MPH. Masih lagi TOP TEN BEST SELLER hingga kini
Buku boleh didapati di semua kedai-kedai buku Kinokuya, Borders, MPH, Popular Book Store, RiceCooker Annex Central Market atau datang ke Bau Bau Cafe Central Market
3 ulasan:
ko dah dapat van tangan kedua..ko sonyap teruh..ni apa lagi ni...kapal layar tangan kedua jugak keeeeee.....???..kakakkakak
Terbongkar..jeng jeng jeng..
Makluk Paling Berkuasa Di Tanah Melayu.,
Bukan Kabinet Melayu Islam..
Bukan Raja Raja Melayu..
Bukan Madey Chedet..
Bukan Lim Kit Siang..
Bukan Robert Kuok..
Bukan Uostad Edi Wang$..
Wahai..AG MACC PDRM SPR KABINET ROS PAC SPRM kamu se olah olah uostad priest kpd JHOLOW..kamu sangjung sembah hingga PERTAHANKAN si MAHARAJA CINA TEMBAM JHOLOW...bukan saje dm negara..bahkan di seluruh dunia..
Sembah lah kalian kpd Maharaja Tembam Jholow..makluk paling berkuasa di Tanah Melayu..tdk blh di sentuh..tdi blh di kecam..tdk blh di ancam..tdk blh di persoalkan dlm Parlimen.. dlm Media
I've personally had a deep intellectual discourse/discussion with Syed Akbar Ali back towards the end of 2008 whilst having tea together. His blog writings have the panache and brilliance of Cicero and Cromwell and truly embody the time-tested well enshrined legal maxim :
Salus populi suprema lex esto (Latin: "The health (welfare, good, salvation, felicity) of the people should be the supreme law", "Let the good of the people be the supreme (or highest) law", or "The welfare and well-being of the people shall be the supreme law") is a maxim or principle found in Cicero's De Legibus (book III, part III, sub. VIII).
Such is its importance that a court made the judicial pronouncement as to its global importance :
The maxim salus populi suprema lex is the law of all courts and countries — Haverty v. Bass, 66 Me. 71 (1876).
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