Rabu, 24 April 2019




R Ezany
5 months ago
Dh lama sgt ahli2 umno berlagak sombong..  dia ingat dunia ni dia punya..  saya tahu sgt sikap eksyen mereka..  saya ahli dr 1996-2012.. menyampah aku dgn angkuh dia org.. skg padan muka...  habuk pun tadak.. hihihi

Ruslan Ghani
Ruslan Ghani
5 months ago
Melayu takut orang Cina berkuasa diMalaysia tapi Melayu tidak pulak takut Malaysia menjadi bangkrap disebabkan ada Melayu bersama orang Cina merompak mencuri dan menyamun duit rakyat.Mencuri bukan isu besar bagi orang Melayu yg jadi isu besar ialah bila Melayu hilang kuasa dan perompak tak bolih merompak lagi!!!

5 months ago
Memang benar rasanya, puak puak UMNO takut kena tangkap. Saya pernah beritahu orang kampung Saya , walaupun Saya bukan orang politik.
Jika kita nak tahu salah atau tidak Najib dan puak puak penerima dedak nya , maka kita kena ubah kerajaan, kini terbukti ramai yang dah dipersoalkan kes kes melibatkan mereka mereka tu. 
Kalau dah duit berjuta juta dalam akaun , dari mana lah datang nya, kita ni bertungkus lumus mencari rezeki halal nak ada seratus ribu pun susah..


5 ulasan:

Hakimi Abdul Jabar berkata...


The Federal Court decision in the case of Indira Gandhi Mutho V. Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak & Ors And Other Appeals [2018] 3 CLJ 145 consolidates the “basic structure” of the Constitution which, according to the Federal Court, includes the separation of powers, rule of law and protection of minorities. The rule of law complementarily contributes to the establishment of the legitimacy of the constitutional representative democracy which in contemporary Malaysian society post-independence offsets mutual deficiencies and further enhances mutual strengths. Representative democracy is a well-enshrined Malaysian constitutional feature and must be seen as a basic structure attribution of the constitution.

Malaysian elected representatives have the ability to exercise decision-making powers and such powers are subject to the rule of law and it is usually moderated by the constitution. The constitution emphasizes the rights and freedoms of individuals.

Malaysia practices representative democracy in which the federal and state governments are selected from elected representatives voted in by the citizenry.

In choosing the Executive Head of the Federal Government, Article 43(2)(a) Federal Constitution merely imposes two requirements : the Prime Minister designate must be a member of and have the confidence of the majority of the members of the Dewan Rakyat.

An example in choosing an executive head of a state government - Article 4 (2)(a) of the Johor constitution merely stipulates that a member of the Johor state legislative assembly who is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the assembly SHALL be first appointed to preside over the the state executive council. Thus, any representation made by the leader of the winning party in command of the Johor state legislative assembly must be taken into constitutional consideration.

Any action contrary to the rule of law and constitutional democracy precepts well-enshrined in our Federal Constitution must be seen as belittling the supremacy of our Federal Constitution and blatantly usurping the constitutional rights of our citizenry.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

bodo la tt ni. aku dah mati2 percaya yg mat songel tu bini dan anak beranak tok sheikh. macam nak rak kau tulis dulu, semua tulisan kau menjurus yg mat songel tu wujud dari kalangan bini , anak beranak dan kaum kerabat serta kroni pak sheikh. apasal pulak tetiba kau spin tt? posting ni apahal pulak? what is the because? kau mabuk tuak ke, sakai?

kjaklsja berkata...

Mana cerita mat songel ni, nak cerita biar lah habih, jangan buat org terkulat2 dengan api2 je pastu diam, esok dah nak sampai PRU15 baru nak cerita belakang tabir, jangan jadi pombongak & peluto TT

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Isham ini kamu ke? Kena bahan kamu ni.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Hadi Awang cakap Najib tu tak bersalah sebagai perompak atau penyamun selagi mahkamah tak jatuhkan hukuman berslah.

Dalam masa yang sama Hadi Awang juga cakap perompak penyamun Islam lebih baik daripada orang kafir yang jujur dan baik.

So perompak ke tak perompak sebenarnya ni?