With due respect & utmost gratitude to the Federal Court in (2015) 2 MLJ 293, Malaysian Citizens are now giving attention to adult & even male children victims of sexual crimes such as Saiful Bukhari Azlan. NO ONE believes Saiful Bukhari was born with Anwar Ibrahim's semen in his anus.
...paid to male victims of rape and sexual assault in adulthood... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3067991/
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1 ulasan:
With due respect & utmost gratitude to the Federal Court in (2015) 2 MLJ 293, Malaysian Citizens are now giving attention to adult & even male children victims of sexual crimes such as Saiful Bukhari Azlan. NO ONE believes Saiful Bukhari was born with Anwar Ibrahim's semen in his anus.
...paid to male victims of rape and sexual assault in adulthood...
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