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14 ulasan:
ITulah dia mulut Abraham dok?? kehkehkeh
Ibrahim Ali Katak yg perkasa dan mamak kutty....kah kah kah
brahim alkataki jurucakap madeykutty, dia gunakan kemahiran mass com yang dia belajar diitm dulu!
kalau teka dapat hadiah apa?
binatang2 peliharaan umngok? katak vs panddy kutty
kah kah kah
Abraham Alee? ye dok? KEHKEHKEH
Takde cerita, takde berita, yg ada cuma 2 mulut ternganga. Misteri sesungguh. Honestly, both of you better SHUT UP your BIG MOUTH.
mamak madey kutti ketawa ala firaun kerana orang Melayu mudah di perbodohkan.
Jubur taik ternganga agaknya,
Yahoooo! dapat hadiah
cam mulut tunku deraman ja!!
Aik !
Tiu Nia Boh pon tak nak beli lestrik dari Bakun.
TNB hari ini kata , To Hell With madey and his damn dam.
tuan tt
itu oeang yang sama satu madey malaoan satu lagi madey panditkutty
I've never come across a most daring and devastating indictment by another breed of mly against his own so-called statesman but tt made us see the man who called the mly haprak was indeed the real haprak. Not only billions were legally stolen to create a band of bandits and succeed fooling the mlys into licking the shit of his alienated statesmanship by almost taking over the ghostly daulat of their sultan...the reincarnation of eee had now become the haunting caliphs of the mly who simply cannot wait to boisterously hailed him as the new hero should dsai went grounded come this PR13...but tt caught it for you to have him slapped in the face instead! Must I say bravo or make it complete against the faces of the mlys themselves? Be realized that you ve been enlightening bloody foreigners as your leaders,wira and caliphs.
I've never come across a most daring and devastating indictment by another breed of mly against his own so-called statesman but tt made us see the man who called the mly haprak was indeed the real haprak. Not only billions were legally stolen to create a band of bandits and succeed fooling the mlys into licking the shit of his alienated statesmanship by almost taking over the ghostly daulat of their sultan...the reincarnation of eee had now become the haunting caliphs of the mly who simply cannot wait to boisterously hailed him as the new hero should dsai went grounded come this PR13...but tt caught it for you to have him slapped in the face instead! Must I say bravo or make it complete against the faces of the mlys themselves? Be realized that you ve been enlightening bloody foreigners as your leaders,wira and caliphs.
TT potong stim!!!!
tak syok tengok ini org lah....
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