Federal Reserve declines to raise interest rates from record low
The Federal Reserve declined to raise interest rates from their record low of near-zero on Thursday, citing concerns that the still fragile world economy may “restrain economic activity” and further drag down already low inflation.
While some economists had expected a rate rise – the first since 2006 – recent stock market turmoil in China and fears that a slowdown in the world’s second largest economy could dampen the global economy appear to have put off the decision for now.
2 ulasan:
Naik ke Turun ke
Rakyat tetap kena tanggung duit belanja sakan Mat Bahalol laki bini
Tiap tiap hari tanggung sedekah 6% bagi lahanat bangsa enjoy sakan luar negeri
Kepala Otak!!!!!!!!
macam buntut saifuLL jer
foto hiasan "doLLar bLack hoLe"
big bank, merusaK dan membunuH seLera
Langsung x bermaya minda aku
meLayari pencerahan
ekonomi duniya
sejaraH duniya..
cari Lah foto Lain
refresh baLik naftsu aku
pundek beuL jubOr siyfuLL
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