Selasa, 9 Januari 2018



Kisah Kehidupan Melayu Ni Menyeramkan. Penuh Kegelapan. Dulukala ada sorang Pengajar UITM menemui Ajal kerana didakwa ugut-mengugut Nak PANTAT Free. Nak Lunyai Pantat kau, Masuklah UITM ! 


Walaupun tak makan BABI dan Togok Arak, ramai Melayu hidup bergelumang dengan Dosa, Maksiat, Rasuah, Fraud, Fitnah, Jenayah, Sihir dan berbagai2 lagi Kezaliman. Biarkan Melayu Hidup dengan Melayu, kalau bercampur, banyak buruknya dari baik. on UITM KE SYURGA
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at 4:21 PM


2 ulasan:

Hakimi Abdul Jabar berkata...

With the future of Malaysia dependent on the youth, I am proposing that they receive voter education in high school to enlighten them on their right and responsibility to vote and preserve the integrity of the electoral processes.

The participation of the youth in public affairs is crucial to a progressive democracy and participatory inclusivity towards openness, accountability and transparency in the exercise of their constitutional rights to information and vote.

Hakimi Abdul Jabar berkata...

Every citizen has the constitutional Right to Information (RTI) as declared and ruled by the Federal Court in Sivarasa Rasiah v. Badan Peguam Malaysia & Anor [2010] 3 CLJ 507. In India, RTI has been used as an effective anti-corruption, anti-kleptocracy, participatory etc. tool by citizens.