Ahad, 25 April 2021






Unknown commented on 



Entah apa yang berlaku, tapi ini laporan dia...April 1 sudah 23 hari berlalu... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9462981/amp/Did-catching-Covid-19-help-patients-fight-cancer.html

5 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Semalam London ada protes besar...tak pasti video ini dari mana, sebab ada nampak bendera Sweden, tapi makin ramai orang tak mahu balachi wef kawal sampai "warna seluar dalam yang kena pakai..."


Tanpa Nama berkata...

Aku ikut engkau utk ikut perkembangan abam, atuk dsb...

Apa yg menarik dari dunia serba luas ni aku letakkan pautan nya disini, kalau ngam, pencerahan bersama, kalau tak ngam boleh masuk tong sampah delete...

Pautan di bawah memang menarik, doktor ni gua tabik hormat, berani lawan kerana kebenaran...


Tanpa Nama berkata...


That was quite an experience. HUGE turnout for the anti-tyranny protest in London. Min 100k in my guess, possibly a multiple of that. Felt more like the beginning of a revolution than a protest.


Channel menarik utk pelbagai pandangan perkembangan dunia melawan "tyrannus"aurus-rex...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Why wait?


Tanpa Nama berkata...

FYI...arizona sedang berlaku sesuatu, daulah pendam takut, tak kira apa, ufo ke, langit runtuh ke, jangan hilang fokus, online video camera terus menerus...


The current audit in Arizona can be traced back to a loosely organized campaign on Twitter in November where thousands of us called and emailed members of our House and Senate demanding an investigation. We emailed and called elected leaders around the clock until they got the message. The campain lasted about a month.
The key was pressuring Karen Fann, the Senate President, who finally agreeded to order an audit.
If you want your state to conduct an audit, I would suggest getting organized now so that if/when fraud is confirmed here, you can pressure your state to follow suit.



Let me explain why the establishment is so terrified of the ongoing audit.

This is the first audit of its kind in the history of US elections.

Currently, an understaffed tiny federal agency (EAC) and 2 private testing companies (Pro V&V and SLI Compliance) are responsible for certification of our nation’s voting systems.

One of the chief employees at the EAC is a former 10-year executive of Dominion Voting Systems.

Pro V&V and SLI Compliance like Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic are all members of CISA's Sector Coordinating Council.

The same council that issued the "most secure election in American history" statement shortly after the election on Nov. 12th.

The testing from Pro V&V and SLI Compliance had been characterized as “superficial” and “cursory testing” by election security experts.

 ➡️Enter Cyber Ninjas.

This is an unprecedented thorough audit of an election. From the voter rolls to the physical paper ballots and through the entire electronic voting system.

This includes the election management system, ballot images, adjudication machines, compact flash drives, USB drives, audit logs, election database servers, chain of custody documents, etc.

Everything will be audited under one all-encompassing audit by individuals not associated with the government or voting machine companies.

Instead of a "superficial" testing of the machines or hand recounts that just run the same printed ballot images through scanners, this will be the first thorough independent audit of a US election in modern history.
