What Is Your Actual Religion
According To Your
You're SubconsciouslyA Zen Buddhist!
You're subconsciously a Zen Buddhist! Deep down you're a calm, gentle spirit that seeks balance and beauty. Your inner spirituality is rooted in a "going with the flow" approach that enables you to easily endure life's dramatic ups and downs.
Zen emphasizes rigorous meditation-practice, insight, and awakening the individual Buddha nature. According to Zen, we all have the potential to be a Buddha. What are you waiting for?
http://mydailyquizz.com/what-is-your-actual-religion-according-to-your-subconscious/TERIMA KASEH
2 ulasan:
Apolah ekau sumua.. Icham ni peo penganut the silam.. Bukti eh.. Dio masih makan poootaiiii... Kakkakaka.. Peo peo....
You're subconsciously an Agnostic philosopher! You're a thinker with passion for understand exactly how things work. You're inner spirituality is rooted in an awe of the physical world around us and intellectual pursuit. You're a curious, intellectual and observant person.
Agnosticism neither denies nor affirms the existence of God or a Higher Power. Agnostic leave the question open with an open mind, waiting for proof one way or the other.
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