pada 4 march lalu
pilihan raya telah dijalankan di kenya
kenya sebuah negara di afrika timur
sama saperti malaysia
adalah bekas tanah jajahan british
mendapat kemerdekaan pada tahun 1963
sama saperti malaysia
menggunakan sistem parlimen
melantik yb melalui pilihan raya
sama saperti malaysia
ada suruhan jaya pilihan raya
sama saperti malaysia
spr kenya juga memastikan parti yang berkuasa menang
keputusan pilihan raya 4 march lalu
tidak diterima rakyat
rakyat keluar ke jalan raya
kes penipuan spr kenya bawa ke mahkamah
hari sabtu kelmarin rakyat kenya telah turun ke jalan raya
kerna penipuan spr dalam pilihan raya
demo berlaku di nairobi
ibu kota kenya
Kenyan security forces cracked down on demonstrators on
Saturday, as crowds gathered to support the defeated presidential candidate
Raila Odinga's supreme court challenge to the results of the 4 March elections.
Odinga refuses to concede to Uhuru Kenyatta, whom Kenya's
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission declared winner with 50.07% of
the vote.
Odinga's lawyers have filed a petition alleging the elections were
not free and fair due to irregularities in the commission's methods.
Odinga accused the commission of "criminal
neglect" during the election before sending his lawyers to court. Odinga
said the commission was at fault for lack of transparency, discrepancies in
vote tallies and registers, and the breakdown of electronic voter
identification kits and results transmission systems.
"At many polling
stations, the valid votes cast exceeded the number of registered voters,"
he further alleged.
"These failures dwarf an thing Kenyans have ever
witnessed in any previous elections."
ini macam kes di ijok
pengundi lebih ramai
dari penduduk
kah kah kah
3 ulasan:
Yes Kenya! Kami akan menyusul kemudian jika keadaan yang sama berlaku di negara kami!
Sebutan untuk spr kat kenya ialah......MOBUTUH SEKSI SEEKOR.....sebutan untuk spr kat papua new guneia......BUTUHMU MESTI MATI IE.......spr kat malaysia.....KAPALA BUTUH BAPA DIA.......BLOODYSHITFUCKINGDOG......PUI...MENYEMAK........
Jgn la mencarut sgtttt... Bagi la info atau fakta yg lebih baik utk dibaca dan di kongsi. Itu lebih baik. Kalau muslim, dapat pahala lg. Tau la internet ni freedom of speech.. Jgn jadi mcm cacai umno yg suka mencarut berlebihan .. Fakta takde ..
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