Sabtu, 30 Disember 2017


Korang semua ni mudah sangat terpengaruh dengan hasutan tt. Tt telah bertahun menjalankan propaganda untuk mengabui mata hati korang supaya tak nampak pengorbanan murni yang besar atau banyak oleh pasangan trio haji najib, hajah rosmah dan haji hadi. 


Contohnya, haji hadi bertegas taknak bagi cina dan india jadi menteri kabinet itu sebenarnya taknak menyusahkan kaum itu menggalas tanggungjawab teramat bessssaaaar nak buat berbagai keputusan tak popular, malah terlalu menghampirkan mereka pada gejala rasuah yang semakin membiak sekarang ini. Mereka dahlah kaum pendatang, minoriti pulak, bayangkan kalau buat keputusan tak popular atau terperangkap dalam kes rasuah, melayu yang jauh lebih ramai akan menghenyak mereka kaw2 hingga tahap keladi lenyek! 


Pada siapa la mereka nak mengadu, kampung laman jauh beribu batu. Serupa jugak la bila haji hadi taknak hajjah azizah jadi mb atau pm, taknak membeban kaum hawa yang amat diperlu mengurus 1,001 hal rumahtangga yang juga sangat penting untuk on 
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on 12/29/17


1 ulasan:

Hakimi Abdul Jabar berkata...

Bro Runaway,

I'm a Suaram member and PPBM/Bersatu member too and I'm sure PPBM/Bersatu wouldn't want PH members/supporters and their families going the way of the suicide bombers and their ideologues supported by their ostards wal retards wal fellow bastards!
What's Al-Qardhawi and his fellow mullahs and the chest-thumping leaders of such Muslim nations going to do when Guatemala exercises its irreversible decision sooner than later?

Where lying satans pontificate the decrepit to further their claptrap and putrid garbage that no one buys for a second. No one is going to blow himself/herself up to appease these ostards wal retards wal fellow bastards.

Is the OIC is going to hinder the sovereign state of Guatemala from exercising its sovereign right of recognition? NO!

Back to this land of ours :
Rule of law, transparency and accountability, civil liberties and human rights, anti-corruption measures and actions, the sweet life of high standards of living, real improvement in wages and income, truly independent AG, police, judiciary, MACC, etc. are the real issues the voters are clamouring for.

We all know. People want CHANGE.