Ahad, 24 Ogos 2008


Pihak polis telah memberikan kenyatan dan menafikan adanya 'letupan bom'.

Mengikut pihak polis inilah 'kerja-kerja kurang akal' oleh 'budak-budak nakal'.

Police denied it was a bomb but just some pranks from naughty mischief.

3 ulasan:

TOOLBOX berkata...

Mercun 'katak' si Rohaya Sabirin ajer tu :) heh!..

Samuel Goh Kim Eng berkata...

It's not just a Penang holiday but a 'Decision Day'
For all eligible voters to have their say
Who will be there in this pivotal seat stay
But make sure no legitimate voting papers go astray

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 240808
Sun. 24th Aug. 2008.

wugiwug berkata...

npraini tembak sebelum semak...mercun gasing pun ancam nyawa?...har har har